Jul 12, 2011

Good night!

Antoni Cepi, in Elisa di Rivombrosa. Performing a role of mysterious English captain Christian Grey. Couldn't find a picture with the pretty uniform... But found out he's actually Canadian, with italian parentage. First thought when he shoved hinself in camera was, that he looks more like Sicilian than English, he's so dark, oh god he's dark.........
The funniest thing about him is that when he looks surprised or smiles (or over acts) he looks exactly like, dare I say it, Russell Brand. That's a guy that really doesn't do it for me...

...What more can I say...

Jul 8, 2011

First week of museuming

Now I've been working for a week, (or 6 days). Every day I've messed something up, except today, scares to think what's happened there... At the moment my work is just to sit there and wait for people to come in, and say what it'll cost and what they can do there. I must say, boring as hell! I would rather have made profit account or what ever my senior was doing in her cave. I got no problem when there re people there, it's quite cool when they don't dismiss my authority and take me seriously. I can even use the card paying machine! But when the people are gone, I get absolute panic! Oh my god I can't do this, I have never been as bored as I am now! ou can't read, or listen to music, or do anything else because for me I think it is soo disrespectful for the clients- At least I don't like when somebody does it to me. It is little better when I'm alone, first of all, I am trusted with the keys and security and stuff, secondly I can hover aroung and sing and stuff. I only wish that after the lace week when I'm supposed to do the work with somebody else they will think me a better job. Because there's no work for two. And it's boring.

There seems to be some kind of festival friday today. Balconies full of people, loud beating cars... I just had wednesday and thursday off so it's hard to remember it's friday. And the rock festival RuisRock started today. My friends (younger) are talking in FB how they don't bother going there any more, because they have grown into adults and have abandoned drunken orgies in isolated islands. Well, forgime me but I'm too old to go there only when I've been there so many times it've gotten bored to it. I might be 26 but I'm soo not too old yet! I tried to win a ticket, but failed... Darned!

I don't have much more to write. I could do some crying about a mean girl who just walked by, but that's been done to death. Final remarks, I could feel better, but at present I'm feeling ok, with real work and my own hammock in the balcony. I think I'll try to get new colours to this blog. I think it's really cute as white, but I think I'm bored with it now.