Jul 15, 2010

Viva España

I've become sportfan! It happens about 1-3 times a year, when it's world Championship of football (soccer) or icehockey. Icehockey, because Finland is actually good in it (although 1995 hasn't repeated itself yet... Basically it's Finland's own falt, put the disk into goal, don't pass it around until you lose it!) Football, because my hometown is actually good at it (although the team is about to go bankrupt,that's what you get when you sell it to a bar owner... ) and also because fuck footballers look good! Of course hockeyplayers are quite masculine, but you can't see even their faces! Me personally don't like thin men, but footballers are boyish and not as thin as runners.

Why am I writing about sport? But of course because The world championship in South Africa just ended and my favourite team won! I always choose my favourite team, unfortunately, by the first player, that I like. In 1998 it was one Italian, don't remember any more, well, Italy lost against France. That was unfortunate, because I've always liked France. In 2006 I got to try again, this time I stayed with France, and in the end Italy won. I went home, and if I have tv I will watch it, and because my father wanted to watch football, so did I and became addicted. The first game was Spain against something, and I found my new love: Fernando Torres, el Niño. He looks as young as I! Brilliant! I didn't believe Spain would win, but in the end it did! I was happy that Europe was winning in any case, but rooting Spain over Netherlands was caused by Holland being quite boring.

...What the hell was I talking about... Oh yeah, football. Just heard that Enrique Iglesias will be waterskeeing naked, thanks to the victory! David Villa, Xavi, Iker Casillas, os quiero! Not Puyol. I was so shocked, when in the final game Torres wasn't playing but this 80s rocker was! Oh well, I desided to choose other favourite; Villa. But no! In final minutes when Torres was brought back, they took Villa away (and fucked his change to get the golden boot, best goalscorer. But, actually (I hate Germany) Thomas Müller is quite nice himself. But soo young!!! Younger than me! I would go to prison! Aaanyway Torres may not have been as good as some excpected, but he sure brought luck! And kick to the balls!!!

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