Oct 17, 2011

Amentes illi romani

The final week in Italy: not happy at all!
I haven't written the whole time I've been here, not this blog, not reports, not essays, nothing. This really is hard work! First we go around town and its museums until 2pm, after which we, news in town, go round churches and galleries by ourselves, of course, we only have four weeks to understand the whole of Rome. Then we sit in the kitchen until it's time to go to sleep... Only thing I've found time to do is my presentations, which in truth I did already in Finland. Now, finally they are ready to print (well, not really, but I'm sick and tired of them). Onlything left is Pompeii and my final presentation on the subject I know nothing about but my audience sure does, and final exam.

Forst impressions of Rome were something like this: hot, soo hot! Coming from +5c of Finland, I really wanted to be in my bikinis (or bras in the absense of bikinis). +34c at 4pm! Gosh! But now of course it's freeking freezing, two pairs of wollen shirts and socks on. Apparently they haven't heard of triple or even double windows in here, btw Scotland has the same problem... The next remark, ok so the hostel's luggage safe is bar lounge's back behind a tree. So maybe I'll take my computer with me to town. And yes, I finally got myself a hostel, apparently I had been putting the wrong security number.

What I also found out the first day was the lack of logic with the streets. I bet there wasn't a single turn where I missed the wrong one. Well, at least I found my premier object, Borghese park, and in the search of a grocery store on my way to the hostel I found the Spanish steps (awfully slippery, marble is pretty but not very convenient, and Trevi fountains, the only fresh place in Rome. So I sat there for ages and appeared in hundreds of tourist pictures!

In spite warmings I didn't find bed bugs, meno male. And an other good thing, I was able to come to Rome on a train, altough it was the tourist overexpensive Leonardo express. On the next day it took me two hours to get to Villa Lante. First hour was a search of the right bus and the ticket mashine in Termini. Then I went into a panic when the bus went pass the Vittorio Emmanuelle monument and I left the bus at Largo Argentini, which I couldn't find in my map, altough it was there, and wen't to the nest bus and continues to the river. The change of the bus was strangely easy and, finally, I was on Gianicolo and Villa Lante. Obviously I got the northern window without the view and probably the coldest room in the whole of Rome!!!!! I need a 3rd pair of socks!!!

I'll continue maybe tomorrow my story here, now I'll return my new bought book Il Terrore Viene per Posto, aka. The Moving Finger by A. Christie. I must finnish it this week, because next, when I return, I have some catching up to do with French and Spanish. I have taken average 200 pictures per day, so in the future I'll download some of them here. Not now, for this has a shitty internet connection.

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