Apr 22, 2012

Yell a’ ha’e heard tell o’ Bonnie Jeanie Cameron

I'm almost made up my mind about my master's thesis. It will probably have Jenny Cameron as it's centre, but how to write about her, that is the question. It might help that I would read the documents about her first...

Why to write about '45? Basically because of the clothes. I'm going to print pictures to raise my motivation, and no way I'm going to stare a picture of a slave or something for one year, minimum. No! I want to stare 18th century corset and silk dresses.

I'm interested about romanticm, and I think dashing Charlie is pretty romantic. One very good point of view would be to compare the treatment of Jenny and Flora MacDonald. Unfortunatelly the "all-comprizing" ECCO doesn't find much writing about Flora from 1745-1749, which has been my main focus. But I can always change it. The reason I didn't take Flora in the forst place was her picture:

She looks so bored and resigned that I wouldn't want to spend much time with her. On the contrary Jenny:

She's got fire in her eyes. I really fell in love with that picture, even if the actual Jenny was over 40 at the time of the rebellion... The picture at the top, oil painting by Allan Ramsay and thought to present Henny is very pretty also. It's also presenting the beginnings of a nipple-gate, therefore easy to relate... Interesting; the internet is telling me that Ramsay painted also the above Flora!

In the end I know that picture is quite stupid heart of a research. But basically I don't care! The writing will take such a long time that I'm not going to spend it on something ugly. The subject is starting to bore me already, after few weeks, but luckily I know that soon I'll have pretty pictures on my wall, such as Bonnie Prince:

Apr 9, 2012

The year's reflection

Now it's Easter, and also the anniverary of me living in this flat. I didn't want to go to bed yet, so I put some music. I desided to put Hollywood Hills by Sunrise Avenue (the only one worth listening, in my opinion, haters can hate). This was because I listened it from radio a year ago, and when my mother and sister came to visit at Easter, my sister liked it too (which is always the mark of something good...) With that memory I started to think, what is different now, a year later. Has my life progressed in any way?

At first the answer was no, my life's in excactly the same position as before, only year less time to fulfil it. But Then I made a return to reality. A year ago I knew that I had work the next summer. I had also visited Rauma for the first time and seen that it's very beautiful. But I didn't know what it was like to wake up almost every morning and leave to work when other, grown up people went to work, and get home from work and relax. I also didn't think I could leave at 7am and get back at 8pm for 2 months without problems. I'm really proud of that.

One thing I didn't know one year ago was, that I had been chosen to Roman course. I didn't know that I would spend the first holiday free of summer exams studying to Rome. I also didn't know that I would phone mom and sister yelling the news from balcony just that everyone, and especially that cute boy next door would hear about it and would gratuate (of course they didn't). They didn't know that I would also put a big sign saying ROMA to my wall just to announce the news for everyone looking in.
I didn't know I would go to Rome, walk around, be in a 34c in October, visit mountain monastery, go Galleria Borghese and Tivoli.

Today, when I was resting (sleeping) I started to see in my mind the view from Terracina. I felt that it would be my view of dreams, blue blue sky, green water far away below, the sky and sea touching each other with no other sing except the sun's reflection; white cliffs and strong wind trying to blow you to sea. I have always loved autumn because its strong winds and I love to go standing on a hill, but that was so extreme!

Of course Nada is amazing, but she's the only new girl I have got to know this year. Also I had little foresight that I would be the president of Museion, but I didnät know it would be so hard. Not the doing but the ordering. Gosh if I could sack my board, cabinet whatever it's called, I would've done it months ago.

But those two things I guess make the year worthwhile, maybe even progressing my life.