Apr 22, 2012

Yell a’ ha’e heard tell o’ Bonnie Jeanie Cameron

I'm almost made up my mind about my master's thesis. It will probably have Jenny Cameron as it's centre, but how to write about her, that is the question. It might help that I would read the documents about her first...

Why to write about '45? Basically because of the clothes. I'm going to print pictures to raise my motivation, and no way I'm going to stare a picture of a slave or something for one year, minimum. No! I want to stare 18th century corset and silk dresses.

I'm interested about romanticm, and I think dashing Charlie is pretty romantic. One very good point of view would be to compare the treatment of Jenny and Flora MacDonald. Unfortunatelly the "all-comprizing" ECCO doesn't find much writing about Flora from 1745-1749, which has been my main focus. But I can always change it. The reason I didn't take Flora in the forst place was her picture:

She looks so bored and resigned that I wouldn't want to spend much time with her. On the contrary Jenny:

She's got fire in her eyes. I really fell in love with that picture, even if the actual Jenny was over 40 at the time of the rebellion... The picture at the top, oil painting by Allan Ramsay and thought to present Henny is very pretty also. It's also presenting the beginnings of a nipple-gate, therefore easy to relate... Interesting; the internet is telling me that Ramsay painted also the above Flora!

In the end I know that picture is quite stupid heart of a research. But basically I don't care! The writing will take such a long time that I'm not going to spend it on something ugly. The subject is starting to bore me already, after few weeks, but luckily I know that soon I'll have pretty pictures on my wall, such as Bonnie Prince:

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