Jul 8, 2012

Life is nothing more than a quick succession of busy nothings

Ooo it seems to be over a month since I last wrote here. I guess its because I haven't had anything really good or bad. Or maybe yes, but I've just tried to read stuff for my thesis, not succeeding, but I have to try, since I don't have work. So no holiday this summer.

I've also have been making big plans about next year. Of course I was supposed to work and quickly in the evenings write my thesis into Laudatur, but I really want to take French into a minor, so maybe I could get work there. But the best chanbge for work is Villa Lnate, so I should take also Italian. And one mustn't forget the every second year Museology courses. And I really should learn Swedish properly. Oh and the fucking Virgil! So I have my plate full. The probleme is money. I'm not gonna cry it again, but its always in my mind, how my mother ruined my life. And that's awful I feel even more sick of that thought than the money thought. Reality is, that its impossible (for somebody like me) to get payed job, and that's why I had lived 5 years in macaroni to save money, which my mother... I'm soo awful! but I've decided that next autumn I go to Health Centre to ask some beta blockers and try them out. This is ridicule. Who isn't chosen to be tooilet cleaner?!!!

Some more bad news. Nada's gone. I felt like a love sick puppy, she left her clothes and stuff here and I've been sniffing them. We didn't do much, once a forthnight a lunch, and only one time party. But that, I think, is what set her apart. Last time I was in a party was 3 years ago, fiesta latina at Aberdeen with the Swedish girl; which actually was the only party that spring (I'm not counting ta ceilidh, which sucked. James was quite horrible, luckily she's broken up with him). That autumn I partied a lot, and actually the girl, or one of them, is coming to Finland! Don't know exactly when, in a few days, she didn't say exactly. And even more interesting was the location: Northern forest. Hmmm... Finland is quite bigger and has a few forests more than Belgium, pick a map! But if it happens it should be an adventure. The probleme is that I'm a pessimist (OMG no way!). We talked with Nada about Monkeying 2-3 months, and it didn't happen.

Then I have one more topic: football. But unfortunatelly its again negative. WC games I was for Spain from the start, and so I was now. But unfortunately my time in Italy and 2006 made me root for them as well. So I was in a bit of a dead end on the final last Sunday. Two minutes before the game started, I made my choice: since the last game I saw was Italy-Germany, which the pretty team won, and Spanish apparently are quite good, I choose Italians. What a catastrophe! But, something of a sun ray came to view; my favorite El NiƱo made a goaaal! He's so cute!

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