Jun 13, 2010

La vita di Casanova

I read an article about a specific hobby; men. The writer seemed to be ashaimed of her hobby, but why? Isn't that what men do? If you see a beautiful male, why shouldn't you admire it? Some parts of the article were concerned with collecting men, quite funnily put. Why is it, that men who sleep with a lot of women is concerned as king, amazing guy with respect of all, even women, but a woman with same qualities is a whore, according to both sexes? And blah blah feminist rage...

But you can enjoy men just by looking. After getting acquainted with the subject he may be quite repulsive, or at least boring. And, of course he might not like you (OMG!). I myself have this hobby and I'm not even secretive. Everyone who cares knows that I like goodlooking guys (this actually isn't funny. Everyone thinks they know exactly who I am. Most of the times they are right, which is ifuriating!). From the shelter of my childish looks and ugliness I have almoust complete peace to observe young gents. In fact, that's the only reason I watch tv. I am an aesthet, even though I may wish to be somewhat more moral or romantic person... But at least it's better than being realist, whish I thought I were.

What it all comes down to is that I'm a scared little shit. Good thing of looking good looking (or people who I think are nice) is that sometimes those look back. I'm not exactly sure how it happens, but either it's some cosmic force (of true love) or then they know what's on my mind and they want to take it where ever they can find it. You know the drill, you screen the dance floor, and suddenly your eyes meet somebody's deep stare and you smile to each other. Then comes the running competition. Can you get to hid in toilets before he comes to talk to you? Because this is how it's supposed to go, isn't it? There's no way you can let the man of your dreams to see how stupid and mute and tease you are. You must keep the dream alive so you can go home and use that for something...

Here's some speciments I've sight over a few days. First one is Olivier Sitruk, lovely, lovely French actor who I saw as Boy Capel in Coco Chanel series. I did hate beards, but not after him! Couldn't find nice picture of that one... The next is mr Tom Riley, as (angrily spitting) Wickham. And the scene is actually best scene of him in Lost in Austen - tv-series, which by the way wasn't stanger for male beauty in other respects too. Fantastic! Must say that I liked him the best from the very beginnig... I've been building this little fantasy between him and Mary (Mary however looking like somebody I know...) Hahaa, again a blogtext mom would be proud!

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