May 30, 2010



Now is Sunday, two days after my last exam this spring. YESSS! Unfortunately I'm not very happy. This whole week was ruined by strange sickness that didn't hurt, only itched. Soo annoying! There wouldn't have been any problem except I was really scared. I pray it's over now and will never come back. It didn't affect my ability to study, but I just didn't feel like studying. I had passed that exam once before and then it was easy. In the end it was so close failing, but that was only because my nerves. It was Swedish oral exam and not only was I late but there was also another girl at the same time. She was speaking so well that I totally blanked. Couldn't understand a word! Luckily teacher just thought I was shy... Well I got mark 2 for it, from 4 the best and failure. I saw the list and most people got 2 as well so that was okay. And I never have to think Swedish again and I can graduate!!!

I practiced to the exam by reading Swedish magazines, a book (The lion, the witch and the wardrobe; 1st Swedish language book ever!) and watching Swedish and Finnish.Swedish tv-programmes and movies. Much more fun than thinking grammar. I actually started to think in Swedish! Especially I liked film called Tjenare Kungen, "God Save the King", which was about girls who wanted to become famous punk band in 80s' Gothenburg. Of course love gets into trouble, and for some weeks my favourite man looked skinny, even drug/boose abuser...

You have taken my heart, you my sister, my bride, you have taken my heart with just one glance.

Up a picture I made from Swedish film Arn Tempelriddaren "Arn -the Knight Templair". I haven't seen it but I have read the books. Actually same time that I read those books I read also DaVinci Code and saw movie National Treasure. Maybe that's why I dislike DaVinci Code so much even it normally that type books are my favourite. Same time I got three different explanations of Knights Templair, that I couldn't sink into that world. Well, it was stupid book in other ways also... And it there's not enough people haiting me, I will say that I hate Ursula Le Guin's books and Narnia is better that LOTR. Hahaa! When discussing of the last problem with my atheist friend, we found out that I don't like LOTR so much because there's no supernatural and my friend likes it exactly for that reason. But every other fantasy fan prefer the other one too! Well, I don't care. By maintaining my view I won't be a follower, a sheep. But really, when I spoke of the Earthsea thing I was nearly decapitated. Nerds are vicious!

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