May 23, 2010

A sort of a movie review

What a lovely day was last Friday! It was expected to be at least relieving for then was the second last exam this year, except for the summer exams of course. On Friday finally would year's hardship of trying to study, but always failing, end! My stupid bike broke leaving my leg and hip bruised and I had to walk. Any way, in the exam, which was general exam for all general and cultural history students, I saw even 4 friends! Usually there's no one I know. But now I was happy, they all said hi. But then, when it was supposed to be quiet, a friend came to me and asked whether I wanted to come to movies with her. And, of course I said YES!!! And then the exam started. And after the exam she actually waited for me an hour when I finished my exam (actually I thought she could wait and I hurried up, I usually do full 3 hours, now only 2,5...). And then we decided to go to movies then, she had free tickets. But the way she asked me, I had practiced it so many times in my head; if somebody, who you like, ever propose you, just say yes.

We went to see the new Robin Hood by Ridley Scott. First I wondered what new can it bring. But I think the new approach, mixing the relationships and good/bad roles was quite nice. I liked prince John especially. He was so boyish! "My first fight! I go first!" And I liked the scenes in France. Yesterday I watched Braveheart and my deduction was correct. In the movies made in 21st century the arrows are probably much more realistic than before. They used to be just sticks but now (maybe because sound effects) they really sound lethal.
Feelings were pretty positive on Friday, but now I'm not impressed much. It was okay film, but there are many annoying stuff. My friend was annoyed about the wrongly dated dresses and I about music coming out of instruments when fingers didn't touch. but mostly I felt annoyed about casting. Before I went to imdb I wouldn't have guessed Ridley Scott was English. There was maybe one English guy, Welsh had red hair and what was a Scot doing in English army? For me the best Robin Hood ever is the one with Uma Thurman as Marian. I thought it was really pretty film, of course this new one was similarly realistic, with dirty faces.

Up, an official poster. When you look it quickly, doesn't it look like he's speaking into a walkie-talkie?

What I started to think, when watching the movie, was that it seems that former British colonies have overrun mother country in filming national heroes. I was thinking of Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner as Robins, Mel Gibson as William Wallace, Kate Blanchett as Elisabeth, and so on. It's like Gary Elwes said in men in tights: "And why should the people listen to you? Because, unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent." But of course I souldn't complain, every time some Finnish acotr gets into foreing programme or movie, he/she acts Swedish or Russian... Maybe I should learn more openness. I've just read history philosophy and even before I knew that everything is relative. The English Robin Hood tv-series has actors speaking nto Oxford English, very realistic, I doubt poor people spoke good English in the middle ages. But who's to say they spoke modern English at all? New English people spoke probably more British English than modern American, but one doesn't think it often. Actually it's quite funny in Finland to think how natural it sounds when watching Jane Austen films, but in historical films of Finland people sound really awkward. But on the other hand, higher classes coundn't speak Finnish until about hundred years ago, so if they spoke Finnish then it was bound to sound weird. Yes, it's really awful, I'm so old and still I have so much to learn. I need a mentor!!!

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