May 9, 2010

Caledonian Dreams

Sunday boredom

Now it's sunday, mothers' day and all the shops are closed and it's raining and I don't have anything to eat. So... I saw a tv-programme, where people went to Wales. That Reminded me of Scotland. I lived there, on the east coast, for a year, but I never got to visit west coast, which is the more famous scenery of Scotland ( and the accent). I planned to take the Jacobite steam train from Fort Williams to Mallaig and I almost bought the tickets, but shit happens... It would have been so amaising!!!

Anyway, Jacobites are a wee interest of mine, I did some years ago a kind of stupid reseach paper on Jacobite rebellion's history through folk songs. It might have been good, if done better... However, I've just written my Batchelor's thesis which weared me out completely. I've been thinking with horror about time after summer when I have to start my master's thesis. But now, thanks to that stupid programme, I started waisting my sunday in researching.

I think Master's thesis is quite important in marking out one's special interests in future working life, and that's why I must write on something I really like, not just on something weird, ( like Batchelor thesis about 2nd WW Japan. Everybody keeps asking how I became interested about atomic destruction. How the fuck should I know?!!!) And I think, because I know languages, maybe I should think using them! I bought from Culloden a book about female Jacobites ( Damn' Rebel Bitches). And I have read a book about French Jacobite females. So why not write dissertation about Flora MacDonald and Charlotte Corday, the first saved Bonnie Prince Charlie after Jacobite defeat, the second murdered Marat, Jacobite leader in French Revolution. Actually tey are quite far fetched. Is there anything in common about the two Jacobite rebellions, except they happened at the opposing ends of the same century? Scotland and France were friends, but there still was that Enlightment in between them. Quite an obstacle. And of course Scottich were usually high class people, where French were bourgeois. I'm quite proud of finding Flora for my example. She was low class lass. (Scottish words!!!)

But I really should take some time off form thinking. I still have three books to read to one exam. When that's finished it's summer holiday!!! (except those summer exams which I should have done before...) What summer's gonna be like? I don't have any work, my friends (the one friend ) is going back to China, and I'm stuck in a shitty appartement far from city centre in a place where only first year students live. But with any luck I'll have a ball.

Above first there's a picture of highlands and the train, stolen from Next one's my own from Pantheon, Paris and the altar of republical idea.

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