Apr 10, 2011

recent movies for me

Sunday, that blessed resting day! What resting day? I've so much to do for next week, I had to deside to study some french today. Only it's past 8 pm already and I haven't begun!Sundays are always really strange for me, I never get much done, that is in the movie scheme. I mean today I had lots of movies to watch, but only got through 2! First I woke up 11:ish, showered, and started to watch Notebook, then made lunch, and wached Superbad, and spoke with my sister and mother on the phone and then it was 6 already! WTF?!!!

Some notes on the movies. I've understood that Notebook is really famous movie, they've even made a verd out of it in One tree hill. For me, well, the ending was lovely and Ryan Gosling is a-ma-zing (especially with the beard, quite a change of mind to my 15 year old self), but really for me the story was about the old couple and Ryan and Rachel MacAdams (whom I don't like, don't know why, mayde because she's quite ordinary with a dimple, quite like me but famous) were just some extras. I gotta be honest, I was waiting a little more passion and twists, maybe I have to watch it again. Anyway, I was watching and thought oh they must have started dating after the movie, Ryan was so gorgeous, and wikipedia told me that they did!

The other movie, Superbad, was supercute! The polices were fantastic! And the movie wasn't violent or disgusting like usual american comedies, can't think any example except Home Alone, and Not another teen movie (which is quite funny). Nobody got hurt, they got girlfriends or smth, and the movie was about the friendship of two guys, so cute! And I saw quite many Knocked Up actors in it, which was hilarious. Knocked Up wasn't such a good film, it was waaayyy too long.

One guy to check up I saw in Midsomer Murders. The man is mark Umbers whom I've seen in Good Woman, (which is a fantastic movie with Stephen Campbell Moore too) and in Mistresses and in some others. Only problem with him is that he's most handsome with serious face, and I hate people who don't smile! Really, it would be awful to have to make my husbant really angry in order to feel attracted to him...

Mark is better looking but 12 years older than me, whereas Ryan's only 5 years older... I'm allowed to think like this because I oppose the common thought that goodlooking people should date only each other and ugly people their own kind. One on my very good friends told me to lower my expectations, because there are less cute boys who like girls like me than ordinary ones. I'm sorry, but there has been cute boys liking me, besides people turn handsome if you like them. So fuck off!

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