Apr 3, 2011

New home

Yesterday I moved into my new home. Unfortunetelly, not impressed. It's so small I told my family not to bring lots of stuff; but now it looks like an empty room. Funny, I think all the time bad things, it this really a bad place or is the weather getting to me? The fridge smells weird, I'm too scared to put stuff in it, and so does the cupboards, so all food is still in the table. Stupid fridge. Bathroom is ugly, only one pathetic shelf. And the floor is brownish grey. It really looks like boy's room. But the worst thing is this horrible wind. Up the window there are wholes for ventilation. Unfortunatelly they don't close so I'm freezing! Yesterday there were really weird people going past my windows, which are, once more, towards north. 90% of people close curtains when seeinf the sun, but still I always get the north window. And the worst is, that for like 4 years, like ages 2-6 I slept in an eastern room (although there were trees in front of it), so I can't even be martyr! If only there will be warm soon... And there's only white walls, white cupboards, everythin gwhite, with no lists or hooks to put pictures...

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