Mar 27, 2011

Gli uomini...

I've been watching the last 2 days an italian tv-series Capri. I know that italians don't care about it much, but I think it's funny. I think it has the same thing than los serranos and Mi gorda bella etc. latina shows; we finnish are sooo strict and introverted that we looove those fiery mediterraneans! (BTW the real reason I went to bcn, no luck there! Only place I've been lucky is London. Why is it that I love Lndon so much?)

Now Ive been watching Capri terza stagione with Carolina, who is incredibly beautiful with her new hair, and Andrea, who has the most stupid beard ever, but also something that makes my feet oh so weak. It's tme middle of the night and I just had to watch all the episodes from last week, so I wouldn't be distracted tomorrow. Next episodes coming next week. Maybe I watch them on weekend again, so I can have true catharsis. Meoow!

(totally unrelated picture of a miserable attempt of smores)

It's really funny, when I walked just now to kitchen and started to clean, with wicked smile on my face. I've never been more miserable than the last few years, but I can't recall any situation that I've been more happy when I was still living at home. Weird, isn't it? You can't have one without the other. On the other hand, nothing is more boring than sit at a pub with your friends talking shite, or listening them talking, because you just couldn't care less about shite. And at home you grin like mad after watching some goofy italian beard guy. Disgusting!

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