Mar 13, 2011

The world and its peculiarities

Awful, awful news from Japan! There was an earthquake just off from the coast, which killed some, then the inevitable tsumani and now the nuclear danger. I watched the film with water, not so deep looking, moving towards inland and was absolutely horrified how something so small can be so powerful, it just went on no matter of the trucks and buildings in front of it. And the cars trying to escape... I really hope the news agents made sure they made it before filming it. And then, finally, the nuclear plant explotion. I did last year my bachelor's thesis about hibakusha memories. One, I'm really grateful I'm not writing it now, two, it's quite strange Japan has these plants.

It is strange how people, in absolutely terror, want to read more these horror stories, and see pictures, if there's any dead people. I'm the same, I went through all newspapers wanting to read every piece of info. Maybe one thinks, that the knowledge makes one more at ease, that there's nothing horrible that he/she doesn't know. But is it so? I certainly don't want to know when I'm gonna die, and that's why I refuse even play fortuneteller. But I mean I believe that humans will destroy themselves and if not, the Earth will if we live against nature. These two disasters, the Earth made them. It could have been made safe, if people wouldn't live near dangerous areas (speaking from the safety of Fennoscandia...). But at least in volcanic islands people have made the decision to have fruitful soil. I don't know the reasons of Japanese, but at least they know how to build their houses to stand the eartquakes. But the problen is human building. We think we are so clever that we can harness the nature. We will make our own doom. I mean every second we destroy the land in which the food grows. How stupid can one be?! I blame money and its abstract power over people (again, partial, unemployed person speaking).

I'll end this with prayers for Japanese and the whole world. We are people. We make mistakes but that makes us people, because we can also learn. Don't be too hard on us.

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