Jun 2, 2011

Holiday thoughts

Just before bedtime I thought of telling how my strike went. Actually surprisingly well! It was quire easy to eat only a little chocolat per day (with help of chocolate milk...). And the no-masturbating thing was quite painless, with obvious help of no-romantics. Only one time, on Thurrsday I all but gave in, not happy. Totally my own fault.
This shows that I can do it again, and at least the chocolate thing will stay on.

Today I went to a hygieny exam to obtain so called hygieny passport so that I can work with food, for example as a waitress, which I hope to become. I think waitresses are very sexy with they white shirts and black short skirts... I'm quite humiliated to to get even an interview into a cleaning company, hopefully I can get a better job.

I really need money because I'm going to ROMEEE! I got my acceptance letter from Villa Lante and it's official, at least at this point, to Italy I go for 4 weeks in autumn! There's one special place I want to go, Cimitero degli Iglesi, the Protestant cemetery with the graves of Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats. I've tried to read their poems, but I'm just not a poetrical person. But that doesn't mean I don't want to be. And even if one can't do it, one can still have poetrical soul, right? I refuse to believe I'm a rationalist and scienticical person just because poems are boring. I think the key is for somebody to read them to me. Shakespeare's plays are wonderful, but bloody awful when you try to read them in your room.

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