Dec 5, 2011

Roman gelati

I visited some gelateri while visiting Rome. Here's little summary of them though I have no idea of their names.

The first one I visited, and the first gelato ever, was somewhere between Piazza del Risorgimento and the river... or near Pantheon... actually I've got no idea, except that it was on a corner of some square. The problem was that we were taken there by om´ne of the guys, and like every one who's familiar in a city, he took us through shortcuts impossible to trace. All I remember was going from Villa Giulia on a tram to Risorgimento and from there to some student restaurant and from there to gelati. And it was good, I guess stracciatella and something else.

Lante up the uppity uppity hill

The nice one was on the Viale de Trastevere. I liked it because we could buy a small (cheap) with lots of tastes, on a cup (easy to eat). I took chocolate, which was really dark, and lemon. The combination was interesting. Not my favourite but definitelly worth to remember.
Then there was the naturally flavoured gelateria near Piazza Navona. I didn't eat there because 1. my throat was in pain, and 2. it was expensive. But apparently amazing!
Then the one on the corner of Largo Argentina. I didn't eat there, because one girl got tummy ache after eating there, no one else got it though... It might have been her biiig appetite in the restaurant before.

But, in the end, the absolute favourite was the one at Vatican. The largests gelati in Rome! The taste, ok, but the boys selling it, wow! Little too tired looking though. First time I had something and something and amarillo. It was nice, except too big for me, amarillo all over my hand. But the next time, :DDDDD! I hate smiley faces, but this deserves it. I got smth and smth and stracciatella, all right except I dropped half into my bag and lap. But that was okay, because it was free! Ok, so he was not the best looking in that gelateria, and at most 18 years old, but so cute with all that blushing. I'm not the prittoest one, but perhaps my hair was the guilty party. I fought the whole summer against the want to dye my hair red, but the blonde hair surely took it's time to work with italian men...

Smiley for little girls who drink hot chocolate instead of cappuchino in the mornings

Some more ice cream talk. Gelato is amazing, but totally diffrent than Finnish ice cream. That's why It's no use comparing them. Finnish one is very good. But I must admit that when comparing "hard" ice creams, the best is Tom and Jerry's Cookie dough. Maybe it's a good thing, that it's so expensive.

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