Mar 25, 2012

My childhood educator

A few days ago I desided to make a new desktop picture, for I've had the present for 2-3 weeks, and it's not made by me! So I wrote to google "period drama", and started to look at the pictures. When this one popped up, ( I don't remember which one of these)

the first thought in my mind was 'Oh my God it's me!'. That was really weird, for I don't look at all like her. But that was my initial reaction.

I've been thinking about my inability to be with people, you know, thinking that people come to me, and the worse I behave the more others like me. I mean Gilbert came back to Anne. Why don't my boys come back to me after I've asked them to disappear?
What I think is the reason is, that maybe my mom made a mistake to introduce me with this kind of literature. Of course the alternative would've been forest work with my gloomy dad, but at least he's a real person, not an invented caracter from a hundred years old Scottish children's book. Apparently my alter ego Anne of Green Gables has taken over even my perseption of my body. No wonder I all but throw up when in the mirror there's a person with fat face, achne, deep setted small pig eyes and the most bushiest of eye brows. There, that's who I am. Or am I, if I don't feel like it?

In the end, God did Anne have a wonderful life?! I mean look at it!

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