Feb 23, 2013

When in Rome, drink what the Romans drink

I'm again in Rome, I didn't die on the way in here! I had two bad lucks, and so I was waiting for the 3rd, which happened quite early so I didn't have to be afraid the whole day. Firstly, I gained a body security check on the airport. With clothes on. I'm so embarrased, but my thights have experienced so unexisted action, that I would be happy to get the check again, as soon as possible thank you.
Secondly, I got again this shitty room, but it's ok, they have finally put on the radiator. Unfortunatelly the internet is bad here. Waiting for the 3rd unlu ckiness didn't last long, for when we went to grocery store and restaurant, I forgot my money and had to start borrowing money. And it continued few days on...

I started a new way of living: never think the next day. That meant no refusal of alcohol. It didn't take until the second day when I learned the lesson the hard way. First we had welcome drinks at the head of institut's flat, I have never said no to sparkling wine, so I had like 3 at least. Of course I hadn't eaten so I could eat the welcome dinner. At the restaurant I had few white wines. The situation wasn't helped by the director, who liked a drink and liked the people next to her to drink too.

Of course I followed the others for a drink into a place, where at first we had to wait a minute outside the door, which was then slammed at our face (what were they hiding?...). I wanted to go because it was my first experience with water pipe. It was also my last, because I became really sick and left early (like 12pm!). I somehow got myself to institut without problems, by talking to the girl who wanted to go to sleep,but here I begun to empty my stomack in the toilet and then in my room. It could've been food or alcohol poisoning, but I blame the tobacco. Nice night cleansing of toilet and quickly perfume before the others returned. Luckily it saved me from hangover. The only good thing.

No surprise I passed vine the next day, except the delicious risotto we made. But today I desided to join the wagon again, we ate at an Etruscan area, at Vulcii in a countryside restaurant, whatever they called it, and had wild pork with pappardelli. We had local vine, red, which was my choise, was apparently not so good, little do I know, all reds taste like shit, but they don't give a headache like white. At the end we were asked about coffee (espresso). I said yes, because I wanted to drink something. Then we were given digestive, restaurant's own amaro, which tasted little like licquirice (how the hell do you write it) and I liked it very much. First experience, some didn't like it, so maybe it wasn't good. Unfortunatelly I hadn't noticed the limoncello at the other end of the table, and it being my favourite, I had that too. No problem yet...

Tomorrow we have free time, or library working. I thought of going to buy Italian grammar and some book, if its not going to rain. These books in here are boring. Now I've been watching Persuasion 2007(?) and its music videos.

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