Apr 30, 2010

San Juan Copala

Politics, politics... but I think it's important. We should all have equal rights to live. That doesn't happen everywhere. One place in particular is Oaxaca in southern Mexico. People living there are indians and the most poorest people in Mexico. Unfortunatelly there are lots of natural resources. Therefore government allowes semi-official armed forces go around and scare people to get access to riches.

My new hero is Jyri Jaakkola, finnish human rights activist, who was shot few days ago by one of these groups. He was in the area to help local people with their lives. Antoher finnish activist, a woman, was saved when Jyri protected her and took her bullets. Finnish government is, well, quite useless usually, but now finally according to one of the yellow papers Finland sent a note to Mexico demanding it to find and punish the guilty ones.

There are people saying that he went there knowing the risks and that he almoust deserved to die. I'm sorry? He knew that he could die when saving somebody else's life. I think that is the best way anyone to die. If we could make everyone in the planet know what is happening in Mexico then world opinion could make Mexico to stop these atrocities. Sure they are only indians and even poor. That doesn't make them any less worth of our attention.

Voila, my blog is here!

Hi you, I started a blog! I feel that facebook status is too small room to tell about my day, that blog should be nicer. This will, hopefully, be a stream of consciousness, nothing fancy or serious, just to let the world know I'm alive. In a perfect world no one will complain my language, which contains words and structures form lots of languages, because some things just doesn't sound right in the language you speak [write]. And grammar mistakes are welcome, thank you! Yes, and I plan to write this at night, like now, when I've watched some spooky programme and just heard a noise under my bed. Hopefully I never read these when I'm awake.

I have pretty nice examples, one is about her feelings, other is mostly pictures and third is jokes. This will be whatever I feel like doing. But now I'm too tired, think I have to go to bed.

Here's a picture of our cat, Urmelo. This is from last summer, when she climed on top of a window to get in, but got stuck. Finally I put a plank with which she was able to clime down. Unfortunatelly she died this spring to the wounds probably made by lynx. She was such a fighter!