Dec 30, 2011


Christmas blog starting...
Once more Christmas is over. Three fighting filled days with four days trying to forget the anger so that people don't blame me for ruining christmas (2 years ago 7 days of fighting, not funny at all, although I was right!). Why the fight? The same reason that all fights after I came back from Rome; the DVD player that my mom refuses to fix and doesn't let me fix either, and that bloody book researche thingy! After yelling my mother finally took the player to the shop, from where a new one will possibly come ib 2 weeks. That's quite brilliant because someone in this building has started to watch internet tv and mine works now only before 1pm. Only problem is that I'm in Turku, and I won't go home to get the player before summer. About the book, mother swore about information she had found from the archives. I wanted to make sure because, because she's really smart, she hadn't marked the archive numbers to the notes. Well, there wasn't any information, my mom can't read apparently. Luckily I was able to make a fool out of "her" by yelling in the middle of the office!

That wasn't my real reason here. The real was that I watched Skins season4. Just now I finished the last 2 episodes, and trying not to make spoilers, I was shocked. I keep repeating What the fuck, ans I don't understand. How can you end a season like that?!! What makes it worse is that now they show the 5th season with totally different cast. Cunts. Buut anyways, I've been wondering Freddie. For some reason he looks to me Indian(?!) but as the wikipedia (and surname) tells us he's Italian. Weird... One reason may be his sister, who looks Indian to me. Well actually she's partly Filipino. My race radar seems to be as rotten as my famous gay radar. A guy can go to gay parade and see Lady Gaga, and take us to the best gay club in town, and still be just a little eccentric heterosexual art historian, right?

I was a little worried about the DVD player, because I was sort of worried I would get a DVD for present. I had been raving over the 2002 Count of Monte Christo and just a week before Christmas over 3rd season of Robin Hood. Well, as it turned out, my fears didn't come true. I got a stresstoy cranate, which is awful. I pressed it once and it drome me grazy! I estimate it to have a lifespan of one week before I tear it to pieces with my teeth. Then I got decoration lamps to my window. Good because I only had three before. (Electric pollution!). But I guess I can't complain, I gave everyone underpants.

Dec 17, 2011

Nordic power!

Last week I accidentally found myself reading comics by Humon. Scandinavia and the world. It's quite fantastic! Quite a lot of stuff about Denmark's and Norway's relationship, about which I don't know much. But Humon's danish (I think) and so it's forgiven. Some stuff about Finland are quite weird, but of course she doesn't know so much about Finland. Nordics are not so much in contact with all neighbours.
Unfortunatelly, (for my neighbours) some stuff are spot on. At present I know nothing funnier than FennoSwede (finnish nationality with swedish mothertongue). HILARIOUS!!!

That's soo how we fennofinns think of fennoswedes to be, so happy and smiling all the time! Finnish guy has always his knife with him, I guess it's ok, especially the not talking part, but please be our friend anyways!
We might think that the swedes are a bit gay (they are smiley and helpful) but this Humon joke might be some manga Yaoi thing. Do other nordics think Danemark and Norway have a homosexual relationship? I don't know, I haven't thought about it. I know few norwegians but no danish.

What was quite shocking was the hatred of Ă…land (finnish island with Fennoswedish inhabitants) towards Finland. Do they really hate us?!! Maybe I don't notice it because I live in finnish-swedish town which is hated by the rest of Finland.

Another new acquitance, Hetalia Axis Powers. It's a manga and anime, which I haven't seen before but really want! The little parts I know about it makes it really interesting, especially the relationship of Finland and Sweden, compared to Humon's version. In Hetalia Finland is Sweden's wife (yaoi). Who is waving the knife, I don't know, but soo want to. Finland apparently speaks alot. Of course that's a bit weird, but I'm open to possibilities!
I soo want that vest!!

I guess there was no sense above, but what ever, it's Christmas holiday!

Dec 5, 2011

Roman gelati

I visited some gelateri while visiting Rome. Here's little summary of them though I have no idea of their names.

The first one I visited, and the first gelato ever, was somewhere between Piazza del Risorgimento and the river... or near Pantheon... actually I've got no idea, except that it was on a corner of some square. The problem was that we were taken there by om´ne of the guys, and like every one who's familiar in a city, he took us through shortcuts impossible to trace. All I remember was going from Villa Giulia on a tram to Risorgimento and from there to some student restaurant and from there to gelati. And it was good, I guess stracciatella and something else.

Lante up the uppity uppity hill

The nice one was on the Viale de Trastevere. I liked it because we could buy a small (cheap) with lots of tastes, on a cup (easy to eat). I took chocolate, which was really dark, and lemon. The combination was interesting. Not my favourite but definitelly worth to remember.
Then there was the naturally flavoured gelateria near Piazza Navona. I didn't eat there because 1. my throat was in pain, and 2. it was expensive. But apparently amazing!
Then the one on the corner of Largo Argentina. I didn't eat there, because one girl got tummy ache after eating there, no one else got it though... It might have been her biiig appetite in the restaurant before.

But, in the end, the absolute favourite was the one at Vatican. The largests gelati in Rome! The taste, ok, but the boys selling it, wow! Little too tired looking though. First time I had something and something and amarillo. It was nice, except too big for me, amarillo all over my hand. But the next time, :DDDDD! I hate smiley faces, but this deserves it. I got smth and smth and stracciatella, all right except I dropped half into my bag and lap. But that was okay, because it was free! Ok, so he was not the best looking in that gelateria, and at most 18 years old, but so cute with all that blushing. I'm not the prittoest one, but perhaps my hair was the guilty party. I fought the whole summer against the want to dye my hair red, but the blonde hair surely took it's time to work with italian men...

Smiley for little girls who drink hot chocolate instead of cappuchino in the mornings

Some more ice cream talk. Gelato is amazing, but totally diffrent than Finnish ice cream. That's why It's no use comparing them. Finnish one is very good. But I must admit that when comparing "hard" ice creams, the best is Tom and Jerry's Cookie dough. Maybe it's a good thing, that it's so expensive.