Jan 9, 2011

birthday update

Now it's time for that "cheer" birthday update. I wrote another, but it was so morbid and awful and stuff that I deleted it. Unfortunately I don't feel so light any more... Quite bored actually. I've had my bithday dress, which I bought on Friday, on the whole day. It's made of lace, and I thought it was grey until I put my grey tights on. Now it's grey blue. It's nice and short, but unfortunatelly it's size 42, that is far too big. In the shop it was ok, but now it makes me look soo fat. It's so loose that it doesn't even make a cleavage, an effect I badly need. Were I ever to use it public I should baste it a little... But what's new? every birthday dress has been too big.

My winter look. Sexy.

But now I know I must loose weight. It's not the tummy, but the hips, not nice. Luckily I use tight clothes, so it doesn't show so much. Less chocolate, maybe 3 times a week, better make it 4 times I'll buy in contrast to every day as it's now. And my nemesis, carbohydrate. I mean really. How is it possible to eat less spaghetti and rice, when they are the bases of every meal? And bread. I love wheat bread! Gosh, if I only had a boyfriend already this problem would be solved.

What next? Oh yes, the thesis. Not working!!! It's a piece of shit! Now Im thinking of Elgin marbles, but my professor's not happy and no one else. I sure as hell am not going to do it of aestethic idiotic stuff for which I'm too stupid or of some Priapos and phallos loving Payne Knight (yeah, thanks for the tip, prof. You're weird). What to do? Not asking my school friends, who were the only ones not to congratulate me. I mean how hard is it to click like in FB? BOOO!

Oh yes, now you can watch in live me opening my present. It's pink and has pearls around it. Argh, the paper has bee nglued together! And taped to the box! Hahaa, freedom! It's Californication s2 dvd! What a surprise, since I made the choise in the shop myself! But it's like the best birthday present ever! Our family doesn't do the birthdays, since they are so close to christmas for my sister also. I bought myself a "present" also. I was hoping to get some of my friends here or to la fiesta or something out, so I bought some alcohol. Well they didn't come. I was asked to see a Holiday in Rome movie to a girl I don't like much and a cat I like even less. The movie is horrible and the girl is on a diet without alcohol, meet, grains, anything good, so I stayed home, watching Lark rise to Candleford and drinking my chocolate-milk-mintchocolate-cream with etanol. Heaven!!! It was spot on! There's still some left, but only because I'm out of cacao and milk and outside is incredibly wet! (Yes, the 2m's snow has turned into 2m's of slush).So in your faces, cunts! Especially since I just tried to take pictures of how much fun I had, all by myself and failed miserably. Some people just don't photograph well, I suppose. I mean, I'm not very hideous when I look into the mirror, although My face is fat... That's really unfair. Some weight 200kg's and don't even have double chin, I had one when I was anorexic!But now I leave you to drink that etanol cream, yammy!

And that's our cat eating with it's fingers.

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