Jan 4, 2011

Brand new year

It's 4th of January, already! I should be brisk and ready for new year after 2 weeks of resting home, but I'm incredibly tired, ever since I came back to my student appartement. Damn you after christmas sales! Yesterday I wenr over and over around the draper's shop searching fabric to bedspread and shirt, but I ended up buying a strange looking fabric of mustard yellow, about 1,2X2m. What the hell I'm going to do with it? Worst part is that it's full of holes... Now it's outside in frost to all the animals in it to die. Well, it's ok, it was supposed to cost 5€ but I ended up paying 2,75. It's lovely, so soft, so soft...

And unfortunately has baroque ornaments, which I have too much! I need to delete that stuff from my room. I've been putting fabrics, curtains, scarfs, table cloths on my walls and it's so beautiful, but alas, so boring in the face of brand new year.

Now I'm gonna list all the christmas presents. I must say, I was quite hopeless after last year's fiasco, one fucking dvd (which unfortunately ended up being quite invigorating), salmiac (Finnish candy with liquorice and salt, my favourite but certainly not a christmas delicacy), and once more a pastry brush. I decided that if I got one again this year, I would throw it through a window. But I didn't get one. I got chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, and also set of warn underware, which apparently was quite common gift, us having -30c this christmas, hurrah! Then I got external dvd drive, because I had broken my internal and was too lazy to get it fixed, maybe my computer doesn't hotten up so much any longer... My father gave me a calendar, which incredible banknote in between. Hope it's still there... The calendar has pictures of forest nature, quite boring, but always better than the alternative with tractors. Sister got one with baby animals, spoiled little animal herself... No no that's not true! She didn't give me anything last year, but my did she compensate it this year. I only gave her book, Praise of folly by Erasmus of Rotterdam, some instant chocolate coffee and 3€ dvd of stupid college kids. The reason was she is writing (or trying) her master's thesis, and with 20% she might understand the joke and actually find it amusing. 80% she would kill me, but I took a change and it payed off! She on the other hand gave me The imaginarium od doctor parnassus or whatever dvd, Prode and prejudice and zombies or whatever book, and a toaster. A Toaster!!! Hurrah for her!

I came back here on Sunday, and found that I have a new roommate. I fastly put my new toaster on kitchen table so that s wouldn't put her's there. It would be stupid to have two, and to keep mine on box. But my biggest fear was that she would toast her bread there first. Is there nothing worse than lose the change to use your own machine first? That's against the freedom of individuality!

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