Jan 22, 2011

Anger management... and a wee bit of luuv

Gosh I was angry on Wednesday! The reason for this: unbearable disappointment and feel of rejection. I've been asking my sister to go to abroad with me for years, but she never has money. When I finally got our mother to understand that my head's blowing if I don't get a holiday, she promised to give money to her. But apparently travelling with your sister requires a sister fee, 'bout 10 000 €. (yes, and mother disappointed me too, promising to go before christmas, at christmas and after, lying of course). And now my sister had the nerve ask me to meet her so she can tell me about her plans to go travelling with her friend! As I've always said, if you want to do something, money or time is no object. She ovbiously didn't want to go with me but was too scared to say it to my face. I've heard this before, from my friends. Maybe I'm a little fiery when angered, but I would think it's much better to face little anger now than torture the other sometimes for years, because the anger will only grow. One thing I can't stand is cowardice, especially if people lie about you behing your back when they are too scared to speak their own mind. (Thank you Eveliina for destroying my friendships, place in our student union and my self confidence, still hasn't recovered). Cunts.

So I decided to take a break from people, at least for 2 weeks. And I WILL GO on our break week at the beginning of march. SO MAKE SURE I GO! If you want to do something, you have to do it yourself. Fuck others. I just saw a "good" friend. She said to me, we should meet someday of some coffee or something. I replied (of course behind her back cause I'm a coward) Yeah right, I'm sure.

Back to the real subject of my writing. I watched today Los Serranos tv-series, and was stunned by the happiness I felt while listening it's theme uno mas uno son siete. That was really happy summer when I listened it for the first time. Too bad I couldn't remember the year. Is it so long since I've had a happy summer? Another thing: I listened today some Phantom of the Opera music, and then I listened the song All I ask of you. Oh My God! ven greater memories. I've probably told about the one boy on my class. This is what happened: I listened this song at home, nad then left to the party of his. There one girl sung quietly a song, which I recognised as being the phantom. I of course joined, not very wel because I didn't know the lyrics. We went to a bar and came back, me sleeping at his place, ON THE SOFA, you perverts! Then I walked home in slush and sung All I ask of you, and then I walked back to city centre to buy eye shadow to my sister which I had broken. Never did I knew he would call me the next day... But anywho, I have really warm feelings towards that song than I had when I fell in love with it the first time.
Am I or am I not manic-depressive?!!!

Raoul, way more macho than that cape guy!

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