Feb 5, 2011


Guess what that means. That's right! I finally reserved myself a voyage! Hurrah! And now I got like 100€ on my bank account but who cares! My plan was to go alone. without telling anyone. That didn't quite work out, because after seeing the pictures of the plane (Spanair)I got scared and desided to ask once more someone with me. Well the answer was, of course, no. So last thursday I got the tickets to myself alone. Hawen't told anyone yet, don't know yet if I'm even gonna... It's not as fun a surprise when they know I wanted to go and even when. Bugger.

I really really wanted to go to Madrid. But then I found out there's but the expensive Finnair going there straight. So next was places by Ryanair or Blue1. I've flown Blue1 before so I chosed it. Then it was Paris or Barcelona. London would have been my favourite but now there's the deadly swinfluenza there... I've been dying to go to Barcelona for ages, but for some reason not any more, but in Paris I have been and if I'm going to die, I'd like to have visited as many countries as possible. So I chosed Barcelona, and got all the guidebooks from the library (3) to get me to the mood.

Little complication. I found myself from the department of contemporary history and forced me into a course. I just hope they have break at the same time as faculty of arts, I'm not going to cancel my trip! Lord I feel really scared and disappointed... not at all what one going to Barcelona should feel... It's that bloody Spanair! I want Finnish plane! And I wanted to see some American riches and kings and princes, in Barcelona there's nothing but light coloured Gaudi crooked walls and they don't even speak Spanish! But I got me tickets and there's no backing up now! Maybe I could leave hostel not to be reserved, a girl needs a little adventure in her life!

The adventure happens before arriving. I just read the opinions of people about Spanair, I'm seriously considering staying at home...Even if my plane is A321, and I've gone with A320 which was nice, and the accident of 2008 happened with some MD-... and in Madrid. Still, Helsinki-Vantaa airport is quite an awful place to take off, when comparing to Heathrow, my only flying experiences. The flight to Barcelona is only one hour longer, 4h, but there's the Pyrenees in between... I'm not so much afraid to die, but to throw up or being afraid. I was so lucky with my London trip, I'm afraid it's too much...

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