Feb 23, 2011

German music

I've found the most amazing song. Maybe I was looking for scottish music, maybe bagpipe (???) or something... not for german anyway. But what I found blew my mind. Highland Cathedral by Ulrich Roever and Michael Korb. Well, one shouldn't be surprised when thinking of Mendelsson's Fingal's cave and stuff, but strange none the less. I especially adore the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards' version. It must have syncopation at the end. And of course drums. (F. ex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRacaXCm0UE&feature=related, or slower http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oieFS785QPk&feature=related ).

I love it so much, that I want it to be played at my funeral. That's really an awful thought. I don't want it to be played at my wedding, because it's too beautiful. And so sad, so sad. I want everybody to sing this when they remember me. Not cry oh, she's dead, how sad. But oh my god, it's the most beautiful song ever! She's the song! I'm crying and smiling at the same time! She's dead but she's this song! And that syncope at the end, of course;)

A sad story from Scotland. We were waiting a bus home one night when there came a guy with a kilt. One girl asked, so the story goes, what did he have under his kilt. He showed. Unfortunately I had passed out on a bench (or was it the ground?...). The lesson of this story......... if you lie on the ground, keep your eyes open?....

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