Feb 15, 2011

Problems in paradise

I've got my travel fever back, hurrah! Uno problema though. What the fuck, all the hostels require visa or master?!! In north Europe you don't have to pay anything before you arrive! I only have visa electron, that's why I must use Blue1 and not the cheap planes... This is going to be tricky. I'll be in Barcelona after 8 in the evening, depending how much the plane's late. Not a noce time to search a resting place. Another problem is, that every other reviewer claims a hostel is perfect, an other that it's crap. If a hostel has had bed bugs 3 years ago, is there any still? Especially if it's like 9€? One was the most perfect, but about 10km from centre... And what reservation machine is trustworthy? I've usually reserved straight to hostel, but in sweet Cataluña no hostel accepts bloody electron. And none of my family has visa! Bugger! But hey, it's not so cold in February, is it?

I was also at a meeting of teaching planning... meeting. There was 4 teachers and me. Quite weird... Bet they won't welcome me back! And tomorrow is our student organosation's meeting where I have to deliver my foundings. Greeat. Also tomorrow is a meeting of one contemporary history -course, of which lections I attented only once. I'm such a pro! The teacher loves me so much that he announced in front of the whole auditorium I won't get nice remarks. Well, he didn't say my name, but he looked at me. That what you get for taking a few (5) years off... I still hope I get like 3 or 4 out of 5, but I think it was fun just for his angered face!

And about my thesis, I almost got it finished to show it to the professor and seminar, but then I remembered how fucking amazing my bachelor thing was, and I haven't shown my face at the seminar since

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