Feb 26, 2011

diverse person indeed

Today I went to library to get some spanish language music for my trip (2 days!). Unfortunately I missed the right row and got Rammstein, missed the heavy section and found Sash! and Scooter. In the end I got 2 spanishish cd's, e. Iglesias, which I'm not a great fan of, too pop, and spanish rap, which is quite boring after a while (it was supposed to be reggaeton, apparently not). I find learning languages easier when with music, and to keep myself from thinking throwing up in the plane.

Despite my attempt, I'm not yet a sexy thin princess in a dress (damn you flu, and stupid Atkinson!). Luckily there´s like 13c, better to keep coat on. I'm updating quite frequently because I'm so exited. Not so good for the essay I'm supposed to write. One thing that's not helping is the job interview I have just before leaving. I have to have my baggage with me! But maybe I won't be too scared about the interview...

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