Apr 22, 2011

Permanent smile

Now I feel really not happy but intoxicated. For today I went to town quite far away; had to wake up at 5.30 am; because I had a job interview. Well, got there and it wasn't an interview. First thing they asked was how long do I want to work there?!!! So I finally have a job!!! At last! So if you happen to visit Rauma museum and the italian lace exhibition, I'll be there Bat news, they only took me bot an interpretew for the italians... Now I have to learn italian. But work!!! Main thing is july and august, but if they find money, they give me 2 extra months. Not well for the money, the buss fares will be 400€ a month, so I should find another appartment. Which is a shame for I've only lived here for one month. Hopefully the pay is high. For you who don't know, like I, again I played tourist and took photos from everywhere, Rauma is UNESCO world heritage site for its well preserved wooden old town, and it was really pretty.

The reason why I'm laughing aloud still is that I watched a movie Count de Monte Cristo, the new 2002 version (OMG that's 9 years ago, god I'm old!). And it was fab! Well of course not as nice than Gerald Depardieu's version, this one ended quite suddenly... But the plot's not important but the casting. I got it because of Guy Pearce, when I saw that there was Jim Caviezel I was ecstatic, but when I saw a young boy strangely familiar, my pulse got higher... and higher... and then I checked it from imdb. HENRY CAVILL! Now he's really manly and handsome, really nice, but as a baby he was so cute! I saw him as a kiddie in I capture teh castle and even then I was like, wth, he's so cute!!! I like him now much better, now he's perfect, but it's just so funny that he was so cute! But he really growed up fast. He's only 2 years older than I, so maybe that's the reason...

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