Jun 30, 2011


It's such a long time since I've written, that's because I haven't had anything to write. Nothing much has happened... I've just been here and studied, went home for 3 days and did nothing... Midsummer went quite nicely, no parties in my neighbourhood so no depression about being alone. Everything's pretty much dot dot dot...

But something begins tomorrow. Work! I'm absolutely horrified. Not the main work, I hope I can manage museum keeping, but the lace week. I'll be working in Rauma, one of Unesco's world heritage site, in which every year there's lace week the last week of july. This year they have italian lace from italian town Offerto. I've understood, that there will be coming mayors or really high people to Rauma and I must speak italian, because they can't speak English. I can't speak italian!!! I've studied 3 years intensively and some independent courses and I can deal erasmus students, but how the hell can I translate conversations?! I'm not an interpretor! I've watched programme called Elisa di Rivombrosa all summer, and I understand that, but I'm really good at reading pictures. Scared, scared, scared... Luckily it's only 5 days, still 3 weeks time to practise...

But tomorrow work. The payment is fantastic 900€ a month before taxes, with 400 to rent and 370 to bus. Greeat. But at least I'll get work experience.
Tomorrow I'll see, what's it like. But now I go to Medieval market, which is here in Turku every year. There's usually always same stuff, for me a bit boring, but now I know there's a friend of mine there and maybe I can boast with my Italian trip, she applied as well and didn't get in! I can't pay money from the exhibitions of food and fancy jewellerys and swords, but at least sometimes one can see little plays and even your friends performing!

And some news of my love life. My sister has a friend who seems pretty awesome. He reads fantasy books from children's library, as do I! I've spied him in fb and dating site, and actually that's when I first got interested in him. There was a profile of a guy, who wanted a girl to have coffee, or tea, or chocolate milk with him. Chocolate!!! And only after that I heard that was the friend. He's quite nice looking, a bit boring like models usually are (he's not a model, but a law student). Aaanywhoo, my sister started to hint, that she had had discussions with her friends that I and some guy would be really good (or really annoying) together and that they would want to make us meet each other. She didn't say who she was talking, but, really it doesn't matter, I'm up to any guy and I so happy that people are talking about me, that I not entirely unpresentable. All in all, I've been waiting that meeting ever since, and it probably not even gonna happen, but I still wait for it. And that fucking Angelo from Elisa series... Lately I've had such a pleasant dreams!

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