Mar 27, 2011

Gli uomini...

I've been watching the last 2 days an italian tv-series Capri. I know that italians don't care about it much, but I think it's funny. I think it has the same thing than los serranos and Mi gorda bella etc. latina shows; we finnish are sooo strict and introverted that we looove those fiery mediterraneans! (BTW the real reason I went to bcn, no luck there! Only place I've been lucky is London. Why is it that I love Lndon so much?)

Now Ive been watching Capri terza stagione with Carolina, who is incredibly beautiful with her new hair, and Andrea, who has the most stupid beard ever, but also something that makes my feet oh so weak. It's tme middle of the night and I just had to watch all the episodes from last week, so I wouldn't be distracted tomorrow. Next episodes coming next week. Maybe I watch them on weekend again, so I can have true catharsis. Meoow!

(totally unrelated picture of a miserable attempt of smores)

It's really funny, when I walked just now to kitchen and started to clean, with wicked smile on my face. I've never been more miserable than the last few years, but I can't recall any situation that I've been more happy when I was still living at home. Weird, isn't it? You can't have one without the other. On the other hand, nothing is more boring than sit at a pub with your friends talking shite, or listening them talking, because you just couldn't care less about shite. And at home you grin like mad after watching some goofy italian beard guy. Disgusting!

Mar 20, 2011

My 5(3) days of vacation

Continue... the story of Barcelona. I study spain and thought the trip would be really good change to practice. It seems easier than italian, since I love spanish music and there are countless spanish tv-series here. I even bought a dictionnary! Well, it didn't really work, all the time I spoke spanish, they answered in english. Maybe the reason was the official language, catalan! When I was in museum of history of catalunia and art of catalunia, all the texts were in catalan. In the history museum, the big texts were in english and spanish too, that reminded me about Finnish museums, which have texts in 3 languages also.

I felt also, that the 2 places where I've been, (forgetting the other places that don't fit into my theory), have quite similar history, though not identical, and quite close feeling of the mother state; that is Scotland and Catalunia. I must admit it was really big mistake to go to history museum on my final day, I would have got so much more out of the trip. Anyway, the both countries have really strong nationalism, due to several wars they have gone through. Cataluña has it's own distinct language and has had to fight for it, but as I understand the old country is divided between Spain and France, whereas Scotland is more coherent, I don't know, I'm just brainstorming...

Funny thing about that, my other french teacher is from Perpignon, and his mother tongue is catalan! He's also jewish whore born in Algeria, and now lives here speaking finnish. Only langue he seems to hate more than anything is english! He was also quite upset when hearing, that Germany has now more people than France, and when reminded of Switzerland, Austria and other minorities of german speakers he almost cried.

Back to Barcelona. It must be amaizing place in the summer! Only problem perhaps was that I really wanted to go to Madrid... Btw, I had the job interview to International Services just berofe leaving, I didn't get it. And no other job, yet. My sister's a cleaner, but she said that's bad firm to work, so I've no idea... That reminds me to apply some more today. That Cimo work in Paris or London embassy was closed on friday, totally forgot!!! It's so sad, but the most amazing city yet has been London. It's so boring, and if you know me, you would never think I would like it. Even I was surprised! I'm the kind of opera, castle, flower kind of girl, the most boring type. But as so many other clue, this just shows that nobody's so simlpe than you think. I was never afraid in London, maybe because I could understand all.

By the way, in barcelona most spoke french, then italian, maybe then spanish/catalan, the next would probably be finnish (nooo). I saw few people speaking swedish too and other scandinavian. The finnish that I saw was 2 people speaking on the phone to the 3rd on a dark, small alley the very 1st day, then a family in the art museum, who were too scared to go through the security (which was probably the only reason I desided to go inside, to show not all finnish are idiots) and 2 more, again at night, yelling drunkenly behind, so there was (or not) more Finns. All in all, too much tourists, but I spent time in tourist places...

Oookay... I completely lost the plot there... Sorry. I just human. But at least there's lots of pictures! For the final note, my quick recommendations: Parc Güell beautiful but really big, so good shoes. Museum of the History of Catalunia was big, great and free (for uni students). Museun ot Catalan art expensive but ticket was for 2 days, don't go on your last day like I, and get a friend with good sense of direction, it was those moders white box secret door museums.And not even in Scotland I saw one of these: fucking 3 litre's Vodka!!!

Mar 18, 2011


Now prepare: I will feel sorry for myself once more!
Today, (or yesterday) was St Patrick's day. Should be fun, but... First I saw a show with an injured cow which had to be shot, and that started me thinking about our sweet dog, Risto Paha, who about 10 years ago was driven over by our neighbour and left to the field to suffer until in the evening he had the courage to tell us, but it was too late. He had to be put down. He was funny dog, half badger dog and half beagle; he was like a metre long sausage! Now I cry again...

But better to cry about that than the second thing. I mean I know a lot of Irish music, I play tin whistle. And I was in Scotland and stuff. Most of my friends, I know, are really interested about those two things. And what really hurts me is that no one asks me about it, nobody cares. Why they rather read a book or something than ask me, their friend?! I mean I kept my visit to Paris as a secret from my family, when I was back home, because nobody asked me what I had been doing and where I had been. They say they didn't want to bother me, because I didn't seem to want to talk. It seems incredible that people can't understand that someone would like to feel wanted. One girl, who I thought was a good friend, hadn't even noticed that I had been a year away! So much for friendship. I really hate the thing when people say, it's really nice to see you, we should meet and go for a coffee or something. Nowdays I've started to answer to that: yeah right... Maybe that's not such a good idea, but I want them to understand not to speak stuff they don't mean. The whole truth is not always such a good idea, but don't lie. Raising hopes is much worse. You cunts. I'm much happier lying here on my floor alone writing a blog text about you in the middle of the night.

Oh, and that reminds me couple more complaints. I met a nice italian girl, from whom I tried to fish an invitation to a party, whish she had like 4 times a week. I felt my world collapsing, when I saw from fb that she had had a party with like 100 people, whom she certainly didn't know all, and at least 20 finnish. Nobody would even have noticed me in there, then why not?!! Another time I decided to act myself. I tried to organise an evening out, but half of the people were sick and then the others found out, I was the only one they would meet, they became tired. The next time, the other way around, the third, they were all sick... After that I didn't try any more... I chose to be a tutor because Im so lonely and that was the only way for me to meet people, when I had to talk to people. And now, this term, I wasn't even given any. Brilliant! Society's way of saying, it doesn't matter how much you try, I
you don't fit, then you don't fit.

I will continue of Barcelona soon!

Mar 13, 2011

The world and its peculiarities

Awful, awful news from Japan! There was an earthquake just off from the coast, which killed some, then the inevitable tsumani and now the nuclear danger. I watched the film with water, not so deep looking, moving towards inland and was absolutely horrified how something so small can be so powerful, it just went on no matter of the trucks and buildings in front of it. And the cars trying to escape... I really hope the news agents made sure they made it before filming it. And then, finally, the nuclear plant explotion. I did last year my bachelor's thesis about hibakusha memories. One, I'm really grateful I'm not writing it now, two, it's quite strange Japan has these plants.

It is strange how people, in absolutely terror, want to read more these horror stories, and see pictures, if there's any dead people. I'm the same, I went through all newspapers wanting to read every piece of info. Maybe one thinks, that the knowledge makes one more at ease, that there's nothing horrible that he/she doesn't know. But is it so? I certainly don't want to know when I'm gonna die, and that's why I refuse even play fortuneteller. But I mean I believe that humans will destroy themselves and if not, the Earth will if we live against nature. These two disasters, the Earth made them. It could have been made safe, if people wouldn't live near dangerous areas (speaking from the safety of Fennoscandia...). But at least in volcanic islands people have made the decision to have fruitful soil. I don't know the reasons of Japanese, but at least they know how to build their houses to stand the eartquakes. But the problen is human building. We think we are so clever that we can harness the nature. We will make our own doom. I mean every second we destroy the land in which the food grows. How stupid can one be?! I blame money and its abstract power over people (again, partial, unemployed person speaking).

I'll end this with prayers for Japanese and the whole world. We are people. We make mistakes but that makes us people, because we can also learn. Don't be too hard on us.

Mar 8, 2011

Greetings from Catalunya

Now I'm home, finally! I don't remember being happier arriving in my stident flat before! I thought I would quickly summarise the trip. I left on monday, after a job interview (from which I still have no answer). I was really nervous in airports, in both Helsinki and Barcelona, because I had no idea what to do. I had to show my passport only once! I just walked straight through... Thank you Shengen and your liberties, really scary. In airplane I noticed, that I had forgotted my mobile pin code. Niice, now I didn't have music, and I had promised to call my mother. I heard the whole time I was abroad Where was plain disaster movies in tv...

In BCN my hostel was in Barri Gòtic, just in the next street of Cathedral. Also I noticed it was really short distance everywhere. I also liked the shops being open until 10 pm. The next day was sunny, although in Ciutat Vella there was no sun because tall stone houses. I just walked around, trying to find shops. I didn't go to beach, too far to walk... To Sacrada Familia I went, thanks to my mother, and miserably go tlost in the area, in the dark, too scared to look a map terrified to be thought as tourist, who could be robbed. The next day I packed lunch and desided to go to Parc Güell. The clouds emerged but I went anyway. Good thing because the next day it was raining. I walked almoust to the to pf the hill, but just before the end turned back. Then I hurt my knee. First I just thought "shit", but now I think, that I had walked down the same distance it would have taken to walk to the top, so maybe it was planned for me to have been injured at the top. What would have happened then? Would my principe azul have rescued me? Not funny. I had thought to go to Montjüic as well, but now I just jumped to hostel and rested.

The last day, as said, was rainy. But luckily warm rain. I walked to shopping centre at the harbour, visited museum of the history of Catalunya and museum of Catalunyan art and then waited with 50 very wet tourists for the light and music show of Magic Fountain. Didn't happen. If I'm not scared of rain, why would the fountain be?!!! Finally the next morning I started to go towards Placa Catalunya, got lost and was again in harbour. Already at 9 it was really warm! In airplane I finally saw real mountains, the Alps!!!

Tjis picture honors a movie I like, L'auberge Espanol. It was nice to see the places myself. I was told to read ruiz zafon carlos' book la sobra del viento, but they didn't have it in the library, and I didn't have time to read all the travel guides I had. I think I should have, I wouldn't have had so boring time then. Barcelona really needs friends with you.

Mar 1, 2011


¡En Barcelona,for the second day! Must admid, I liked yesterday night better, although in plane happened the strangest thing. My head over my brow started to hurt really much, and when I pushed it with my finger, it said pfeee. Really scared to go again... Today, first I was delighted, then annoyed, then scared, then pissed off, then got a plan, then went to underground,canhed the plan twice, then lost and scared, and finally found the underground again, then annoyed, then back in Plaza Cataluña, shops still open and alright again. ¡It´s unbelievably cold in here!