May 11, 2010

Amhrán na BhFiann

This night became, by an accident (like everything funny) an Ireland night! I have no idea why I wished to search from my favourite webside a American/Irish movie MatchMaker, which is really cliché, but ah so lovely! I laughed inapprovingly loud and often considering I was supposed to read for an exam... But maybe it would have remained unwatched, if it hadn't had a significant male lead. I watched very closely, lots of times, of David O'Hara, but he's just not that good-a-looking guy. Still, if he would smile and say hi at me, I would drop my clothes instantly. Guess it's that crooked smile and Irish accent (although he's Glaswegian). I have to say, I stopped watching the District after first season, because they blasted him off. EF U!

And the femail lead was Janeane Garofalo, small lady. I am a small lady, therefore ofcourse I liked the movie! Actually I watch most of tv-programmes only because I fancy one of the men. Quite sad... or like my mom dared to say to me, you only talk about the thing you want (sounds better in Finnish).

And Irish theme continued with Intermission and Cillian Murphy. This movie had quite lot of Scottish actresses, maybe it's easy for them to change accent?... What I like about this movie is that Cillian behaves exactly like Finnish guys would. Girlfriend wants him to say I love you, and he chooses to break up with her, because he's too scared. So sweet! Oh and in the previous movie Sean and his brother had fights all the time which is lovely. If men have an argument, they wrestle a little and it's ok. When women hane an argument they start to spread rumours behind the other's back. No companionship, no relieving of steam, only hatred that grows and grows...

What else about Ireland? Oh yes, I almoust had an Irishman once, I said no because I thought it would've been embarassing and slutty in the first night. Here's the life lesson for all: If you want something, and it is offered to you, DON'T SAY NO. No matter if you have work or exam tomorrow, or if a date is sittin opposide or your mom, or you think tomorrow's an other day, I still have time. NO YOU DON'T! This is the last time ever you can do this thing, so take your change, you don't have to be even brave, just go even with white nose. That regret will be thousands times smaller than the regret you feel years from now when the second change hasn't come along. Horatius said 2000 years ago, Seize the day, Carpe Diem, because tomorrow you will be dead.

And here's a last look of Irishmen. Not actually Irish but something like that. I prefere the young Indiana Jones on the right, Sean Patrick Flanery. Ay, gonna have sweet dreams!

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