May 9, 2010

By the way

Maybe I should give you a small history lesson about my previous raving. The Scottish thing is continuation for queen Elisabeth and Mary queen of Scots -thing and Gunpowder plot. First after Elisabeth Scottish Stewards ( Stuarts) were in power, they were mostly protestants but at least good heritage. Then into power came German family and finally twinstate system was destroyed and Scotland became subject to England. There were Stuarts in France and first James The Old Pretender or The Old Chevalier tried to get power 1715 in the 1st Jacobite rising. Then his son Charles Bonnie Prince Charlie tried the same 1745 but was succesful only in destroying clan system. And the Jacobite term comes from James in latin, Jacob, if I recall correctly.

And the other Jacobite group was in France. According to Wikipedia the name comes from street the group assembled, also in latin Jacobus, Rue St Jacques. They were radical bourgeois group wanting French royalty to disappear and started so called reign of terror 1790s, the "bad revolution" after the "good revolution" when nobody was safe anymore.

First up there's picture of Flora MacDonald in her tartan, she moved to America during the highland cleaning, when all Jacobites were killed. Down is famous picture of Charlotte Corday by Paul Baudry.

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