May 9, 2011

And Russia went down!

Once more exciting match. But this Finnish goalkeeper stuff is ridiculous. First in czech game Lassila sucks and they change into Vehanen, who is perfect; now he gives in 4 minutes 2 goals! WHAAAT?! Change takes place, and Lassila makes clean game. Honeslty, who will be our next goalie? No one knows.

Another thing, this inability to make goals. Now we don't serve as mush as before, which is good because you can't make goals if you don't try. But AIM in to that fucking goal! Finland has had three penalty--shot--game (what ever it is called when you take turns shooting the other goal) and it has won every one (today as well). So we can make goals. Team Finland, eat more sugar before the game!

And in the end, I forgot my favourite lion; Jarmo Immonen. Look at him smile... Once again I keep my neighbour aware of game situation. But it's their own fault. I mean who goes jogging when Finland wins Russia?! But one must remember that in Slovak game I desided that I wouldn't gontinue watching matches I we lose, except if Finns play for gold or against a really bad (playing) team...

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