May 22, 2011

Lysistrate, that is perseverance of mind

This habit of mine, crying in every occasion when something happy happens in a book/film, is really getting out of hands. That's why I desided to start a strike or a fast against all romantic, erotic and so on literature and films and especially thought. It's going to be really tough even if it's only one week. I was dying on Easter when I had to be 4 days without masturbating, and even tougher a week ago, when we figured out that the ice hockey team of which country's music I listened always won. Fucking Basshunter kept going on in my head all weekend... It's easier to not actually do something, but with music on one's head you have to actually stop your thoughts! Horrible... But I did it! I listened Finnish music for 3 days and we won!!!

Here's the book that inspired my stike. Tapestry of Fionavar, IloveitIloveitIloveit!

So it's going to be hard week for me. After I made the decision, I tried to think something else to think. What do people think? Gosh, they have to think something, it's not possible for all the world to think sex 24/7... I hope my fasting will help me in two ways. Maybe I learn not to connect every male into a possible lover, and maybe my stopping to be desperate will bring them to me! Anyway it'll help me not to get so upset not to have a boyfriend and spoil every happy moment with thinkig how much better it could be.

No more this for me; He Knew He Was Right will stay on shelf until Sunday...

Another problem. When I was walking I started to think what does my fast contain. Only movies and books, or also thoughts? And only erotic/romantic movies or all from which I have out of place thoughts? What about music which makes me euphoric? Basically do I deny everything that makes me feel good? Well, I looked at my tummy and decided to add to the list NO CHOCOLATE for one week, except one bar to last for one week (cold turkey doesn't work for me). And jogging so long until my feet give up, it feels good and I don't have energy to think rude thoughts.

Will be nice first holiday (unemployment) week!

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