May 8, 2011

The face when his self control cracked...

I'm still dreaming about my count of Monte Cristo. Gosh he was fantastic! At the beginning he was really young looking, after, he really got older. I like Jim Caviezel better than GĂ©rald Depardieu. Reason is the same why I like the 21c. Austen movies better than older ones. The age. Maybe 18 y olds were more adults than they are today, but they still looked young. And Anne Elliot was old maid, but not certainly 40 nor captain Wentworth nor colonel Brandon 50 or something (I don't know how old the actors were, nevertheless I like the new ones better).

The same about Edmund Dantes. I really want to read the book, but we have it at home and so I can't borrow it from library so I have to wait somebody to bring it to me. Anyway I don't think he was older than 25, most likely younger, so he cannot be gerald's age when returning. I tink they sould be little over 30, and so free to start again (((the babymaking))).

I've tried to watch some movie or something lots of times, and the french tv-series, but it's so boring and morbit and totally against my taste that I've given it a miss. But this one christmas when me and my sister were again fighting the whole 6/8 hours series came on christmas day and I had to watch it so my sister couldn't take over the room (not funny, couldn't even go to pee). So I watched it and fell in love. This guy, who has build such a hatred into his heart, thinks only revenge. But then, and this I hadn't understod before, there comes old love, and this kid of his enemy, who he want's to hate but is unable, and little by little his wish of revenge fails to give him satisfaction. So it's not about hatred at all!

I read about this new research according to which depressed people don't like angry music. Well I don't like angry music, deppressed movies of books. That's why people say I can't be derpessed. Well that proved it wrong! I still have my self protection instinct intact, thank you! But rreally that movie is amazing! Altough I must admit that Edmund is pretty lucky guy, must be quite an annoying friend...

Today's Mothers' Day in Finland, to celebrate it I took a walk in my short skirt to a hill, took the above picture, fought with my mom and made peace too. Picture's not as beautiful than the top picture I know, but little reality must be retained...

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