May 15, 2011

CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Sweden's first goal, we did 6 more!!!!!!!!!!
First game, 0-0. Second, Sweden 1, and just before break Finland 1-1.
Third, Finland 1-2, 45 seconds later 1-3.
Then 1-4, I was screaming "they are not even tryig any more!"
1-5 I wasn't screaming any more, and 1-6 I started crying and yelling "stop the game, this isn't worth the attempt any more!" That was just a slaughter. The main game was really good, both fighting with blood in their mouth, but then Sweden just gave up.

Last time I was this happy was in 1995 when Finland was world champion the first time.Only team we lost was Republic of Czech, Sweden lost to Norway!

The real reason I was crying was because I'm sitting here on my sofa alone. What use it is to be so happy when I'm alone? there's no life alone! Only fucking social relationship is Facebook. And that is to like what others write... I was planning to go outside to see people celebrating but now I don't want to torture myself. What use...

Funny thing that Sweden's goalkeeper was the best player of the games?!!! 1995 the opposing team was Sweden also, so that's cool. Another nice thing is that there was no same players anymore in the team.
I feel like I've been drinking half the night somewhere, I need something balancing...

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