May 15, 2011

Eurovision 2011, again live

I'm watching Eurovision songcontest. I try to write fast, beacuse they are already giving the points. My favourite is France, second Greece and third to Denmark. Sweden wasn't at all cool, Finland, well, the song was quite nice, actually, but compared with the other ones, rather boring.
At the moment France has 11 points, Finland zero, Greece 32 points, Sweden 21 points...
I'm not very interesting of this competition, I'm more sports fan, in here there's usually more bad songs than good ones, besides Finland usually loses.



Thank you Norway, 12 points for Finland! By the way, strange votes from Finland... Ireland was weird, maybe good if not watching. Iceland next, maybe we get points, Nordic co-operation. And 10 points for us! And 12 points for Denmark, what a surprise.
It' sonly fair to give points to nordic countries, eat europeans give points to themselves...



Denmark: Finland 5, 10 Sweden, Ireland 12!!!
Azerbaijan gets lost of votes, well it was lovely song. Poland, five to Finland! But we have more than France, which is a shame... Sweden next: 7 for finland, WTF?!! You deserve to lose ice hockey tomorrow... no today, it's past midnight.

(<3<3<3France <3<3<3)


Germany, 2 for Finland.


Switzerland gave Finland 5 points, thaank you! These finnish presenters are awful, they actually said that its really strange how France could like Spain's song. It was nice song, those people are just evil. You can have favourites and hate others, but NOT despise anything!!!
Now France has more points than Finland, no matter what I said before, still I'm upset...



We gave Hungary 12 points, Hungary gave us NOTHING!![cunts]. Lithuania gave pathetic 1 point. But zero to Sweden!!! Actually quite annoying the german presenter woman. I was watching the Greek song in youtube and somebody hoped they wouldn't win because they don't have money (Ireland: 3 for us) to organize competition next year. Well, guess why we sent Lordi the other year... We didn't have money either so we sent the crappiest band. How could we have known people voted us?
Sweden's fucking Justin Bieber clone gets too much points. And Estonia, our family nation gave us just 7, and fucking sweden 12! Traitor! I'm voting Azerbaijan at this point. Now Latvia, lots of points for us! ZEEEROOO! But Sweden didn't win, so ok.

We got 3rd most votes in semi-finals, but 21st in final. But we were the favourites of the European press.

Final thoughts. I would rather have Sweden win this than Ice Hockey World Championship tomorrow. But it would have been disaster if they had won both. I think it would have been cool to have been Finland and Sweden at top two...
Sweden was only 3rd, Italy with quite cool song came 2nd.
Now, tomorrow and the match of a lifetime, I want to win, I want to win, I want to win...

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