Dec 30, 2011


Christmas blog starting...
Once more Christmas is over. Three fighting filled days with four days trying to forget the anger so that people don't blame me for ruining christmas (2 years ago 7 days of fighting, not funny at all, although I was right!). Why the fight? The same reason that all fights after I came back from Rome; the DVD player that my mom refuses to fix and doesn't let me fix either, and that bloody book researche thingy! After yelling my mother finally took the player to the shop, from where a new one will possibly come ib 2 weeks. That's quite brilliant because someone in this building has started to watch internet tv and mine works now only before 1pm. Only problem is that I'm in Turku, and I won't go home to get the player before summer. About the book, mother swore about information she had found from the archives. I wanted to make sure because, because she's really smart, she hadn't marked the archive numbers to the notes. Well, there wasn't any information, my mom can't read apparently. Luckily I was able to make a fool out of "her" by yelling in the middle of the office!

That wasn't my real reason here. The real was that I watched Skins season4. Just now I finished the last 2 episodes, and trying not to make spoilers, I was shocked. I keep repeating What the fuck, ans I don't understand. How can you end a season like that?!! What makes it worse is that now they show the 5th season with totally different cast. Cunts. Buut anyways, I've been wondering Freddie. For some reason he looks to me Indian(?!) but as the wikipedia (and surname) tells us he's Italian. Weird... One reason may be his sister, who looks Indian to me. Well actually she's partly Filipino. My race radar seems to be as rotten as my famous gay radar. A guy can go to gay parade and see Lady Gaga, and take us to the best gay club in town, and still be just a little eccentric heterosexual art historian, right?

I was a little worried about the DVD player, because I was sort of worried I would get a DVD for present. I had been raving over the 2002 Count of Monte Christo and just a week before Christmas over 3rd season of Robin Hood. Well, as it turned out, my fears didn't come true. I got a stresstoy cranate, which is awful. I pressed it once and it drome me grazy! I estimate it to have a lifespan of one week before I tear it to pieces with my teeth. Then I got decoration lamps to my window. Good because I only had three before. (Electric pollution!). But I guess I can't complain, I gave everyone underpants.

Dec 17, 2011

Nordic power!

Last week I accidentally found myself reading comics by Humon. Scandinavia and the world. It's quite fantastic! Quite a lot of stuff about Denmark's and Norway's relationship, about which I don't know much. But Humon's danish (I think) and so it's forgiven. Some stuff about Finland are quite weird, but of course she doesn't know so much about Finland. Nordics are not so much in contact with all neighbours.
Unfortunatelly, (for my neighbours) some stuff are spot on. At present I know nothing funnier than FennoSwede (finnish nationality with swedish mothertongue). HILARIOUS!!!

That's soo how we fennofinns think of fennoswedes to be, so happy and smiling all the time! Finnish guy has always his knife with him, I guess it's ok, especially the not talking part, but please be our friend anyways!
We might think that the swedes are a bit gay (they are smiley and helpful) but this Humon joke might be some manga Yaoi thing. Do other nordics think Danemark and Norway have a homosexual relationship? I don't know, I haven't thought about it. I know few norwegians but no danish.

What was quite shocking was the hatred of Åland (finnish island with Fennoswedish inhabitants) towards Finland. Do they really hate us?!! Maybe I don't notice it because I live in finnish-swedish town which is hated by the rest of Finland.

Another new acquitance, Hetalia Axis Powers. It's a manga and anime, which I haven't seen before but really want! The little parts I know about it makes it really interesting, especially the relationship of Finland and Sweden, compared to Humon's version. In Hetalia Finland is Sweden's wife (yaoi). Who is waving the knife, I don't know, but soo want to. Finland apparently speaks alot. Of course that's a bit weird, but I'm open to possibilities!
I soo want that vest!!

I guess there was no sense above, but what ever, it's Christmas holiday!

Dec 5, 2011

Roman gelati

I visited some gelateri while visiting Rome. Here's little summary of them though I have no idea of their names.

The first one I visited, and the first gelato ever, was somewhere between Piazza del Risorgimento and the river... or near Pantheon... actually I've got no idea, except that it was on a corner of some square. The problem was that we were taken there by om´ne of the guys, and like every one who's familiar in a city, he took us through shortcuts impossible to trace. All I remember was going from Villa Giulia on a tram to Risorgimento and from there to some student restaurant and from there to gelati. And it was good, I guess stracciatella and something else.

Lante up the uppity uppity hill

The nice one was on the Viale de Trastevere. I liked it because we could buy a small (cheap) with lots of tastes, on a cup (easy to eat). I took chocolate, which was really dark, and lemon. The combination was interesting. Not my favourite but definitelly worth to remember.
Then there was the naturally flavoured gelateria near Piazza Navona. I didn't eat there because 1. my throat was in pain, and 2. it was expensive. But apparently amazing!
Then the one on the corner of Largo Argentina. I didn't eat there, because one girl got tummy ache after eating there, no one else got it though... It might have been her biiig appetite in the restaurant before.

But, in the end, the absolute favourite was the one at Vatican. The largests gelati in Rome! The taste, ok, but the boys selling it, wow! Little too tired looking though. First time I had something and something and amarillo. It was nice, except too big for me, amarillo all over my hand. But the next time, :DDDDD! I hate smiley faces, but this deserves it. I got smth and smth and stracciatella, all right except I dropped half into my bag and lap. But that was okay, because it was free! Ok, so he was not the best looking in that gelateria, and at most 18 years old, but so cute with all that blushing. I'm not the prittoest one, but perhaps my hair was the guilty party. I fought the whole summer against the want to dye my hair red, but the blonde hair surely took it's time to work with italian men...

Smiley for little girls who drink hot chocolate instead of cappuchino in the mornings

Some more ice cream talk. Gelato is amazing, but totally diffrent than Finnish ice cream. That's why It's no use comparing them. Finnish one is very good. But I must admit that when comparing "hard" ice creams, the best is Tom and Jerry's Cookie dough. Maybe it's a good thing, that it's so expensive.

Nov 6, 2011

My days as a classical archeologian

If the four weeks in Rome taught me one thing, it was that I'm never going to be full time researcher of classical archaeology. It's quite forbitten to tell this to people studying it, but it's ruines, ruines and again ruines, sculpture of Venus, and another, and another. After 3rd week my cup was already full, and I bet everyone knew it or sensed it with my huffing and puffing. The last but in no way least was the trip to Campania. Uuu best for the last! Oh not again, ruines. "But they are the great cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum!" "What ever." Our guide wanted to show us the icing of the trip, underground Naples! Oh good, never seen ruines before...

The cannon every (sun)day at Gianicolo at noon

Well, I grand that the wall paintings were quite beautiful, although there were paintings in the houses of Augustus and Livia in Palatinus as well...
Now you see how my head losed the plot. I just had to find something non-ancien activity! One of the best places in Rome was the Galleria Borghese, into which I almost didn't go. Good that I did.

Vesuvius roaring at Herculaneum. The smell of sulfur was true.

It's the case of friends and different friend groups, which do different things and act differently. Well, I cold like to belong to the group of grazy acting, laughing, drinking and behaving badly, but not of course criminanly. But, because people are always more wise than the person herself, othe people decide what group you belong. For me, because of my outer appearance and nature, the group has almost always been the clever quiet group, who speak about school, drink only wine and go to bed by 10pm. It's awful to be made to to what you don't want to do, and to get away from that group you need an accident, or really hard work. For me, I made it on the last week of Italy; thanks to my going to Borghese with the ring leader of the "other group". I even got to show my alcoholism level, when the boys had bought some whisky in the infamous Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii. It was night, we had drunk 4 bottles fo wine and one of very, very good Limoncello (why not, it was free!) and we didn't want to go to bed (like our head of the institute says, you can sleep in Finland). So we went to the swimming pool. We girls paddled in the water while boys smoke and sipped the whiskey. Then they offered one to the other girl (the one that talks), who was horrified and grinned. Then the offer came to me, I was more than happy to apply, and an astonishment! She didn't even grin! Well, why not? It was like water had been mixed into it, not really my cup of tea. Boys commented, well she's been in Scotland... Not actually the reason, I had whiskey there only once. Thanks to our classical philologies!

Wall paintings at Pompeii, the house of some man no doubt...

I might have done a small error of jugement with the water, for I saw Naples and got a cold. There went my farewell dinner and last italian pizza. I wanted to be brave, but perhaps I have to admit, I may have had quite a fever. But if somebody younger tells me to stay home when others go out, the hell I am! Luckily it didn't last long, I was quite alright coming home.

The non-catholic cemetery at dawn. Quite exciting hanging around the graves of artists died of tuberculosis while having a respitory illness...

Oct 17, 2011

Amentes illi romani

The final week in Italy: not happy at all!
I haven't written the whole time I've been here, not this blog, not reports, not essays, nothing. This really is hard work! First we go around town and its museums until 2pm, after which we, news in town, go round churches and galleries by ourselves, of course, we only have four weeks to understand the whole of Rome. Then we sit in the kitchen until it's time to go to sleep... Only thing I've found time to do is my presentations, which in truth I did already in Finland. Now, finally they are ready to print (well, not really, but I'm sick and tired of them). Onlything left is Pompeii and my final presentation on the subject I know nothing about but my audience sure does, and final exam.

Forst impressions of Rome were something like this: hot, soo hot! Coming from +5c of Finland, I really wanted to be in my bikinis (or bras in the absense of bikinis). +34c at 4pm! Gosh! But now of course it's freeking freezing, two pairs of wollen shirts and socks on. Apparently they haven't heard of triple or even double windows in here, btw Scotland has the same problem... The next remark, ok so the hostel's luggage safe is bar lounge's back behind a tree. So maybe I'll take my computer with me to town. And yes, I finally got myself a hostel, apparently I had been putting the wrong security number.

What I also found out the first day was the lack of logic with the streets. I bet there wasn't a single turn where I missed the wrong one. Well, at least I found my premier object, Borghese park, and in the search of a grocery store on my way to the hostel I found the Spanish steps (awfully slippery, marble is pretty but not very convenient, and Trevi fountains, the only fresh place in Rome. So I sat there for ages and appeared in hundreds of tourist pictures!

In spite warmings I didn't find bed bugs, meno male. And an other good thing, I was able to come to Rome on a train, altough it was the tourist overexpensive Leonardo express. On the next day it took me two hours to get to Villa Lante. First hour was a search of the right bus and the ticket mashine in Termini. Then I went into a panic when the bus went pass the Vittorio Emmanuelle monument and I left the bus at Largo Argentini, which I couldn't find in my map, altough it was there, and wen't to the nest bus and continues to the river. The change of the bus was strangely easy and, finally, I was on Gianicolo and Villa Lante. Obviously I got the northern window without the view and probably the coldest room in the whole of Rome!!!!! I need a 3rd pair of socks!!!

I'll continue maybe tomorrow my story here, now I'll return my new bought book Il Terrore Viene per Posto, aka. The Moving Finger by A. Christie. I must finnish it this week, because next, when I return, I have some catching up to do with French and Spanish. I have taken average 200 pictures per day, so in the future I'll download some of them here. Not now, for this has a shitty internet connection.

Sep 14, 2011

Hurricane Katia's prisonnier

I'm booored. No, I'm just sort of flowing. I haven't written in a long time. Frist reason was that at work, week before end, happenesd the worst accident, my greatest nightmare, and not to me, I was just there, it was pure accident, awful, awful... I'll never go there again. It was so horrible I couldn't write.

Then school started, and in 10 days I'll be going to Italy. Busy, busy... And once more, my friend stood me up. Luckily the new exchange student from Croatia seems nice. So I'm not as depressed as last year. I mean she hasn't gone out with me, but at least she wanted, before it started raining...
And the Italy, I really yelled to my mother today, and the week before, and before, because I'm really stressed. It messes out everything! We have one holiday week, and it's the week after I come back, so no help. And my computer is shit as always, today I finally ordered a shitty new one, I hope my logic of waiting worse, result better is still on...

And final breaking point was when they reminded today, remember to take your ISIC cards with almoust a smily face at the end. FUCK OFF! You order us to go to museums, it sure is your job to get us discounts. Why the fuck couldn't they've told that like 2 weeks before?... Cunts. So, it's not even a big problem, I've never needed it, but for some reason I went completely crazy. Like my whole life broke down because I don't have international student card. Oh my god, wow!

Now I'm supposed to write a letter in French. I was listening to Jacques Dutroc's Les Playboys and wrote a letter in that sense, but now I have a hard time to sent it to my teacher... God I'm an idiot.

Yesterday we went, my and my sister, to watch Midnight in Paris. It almoust didn't happen, we had again a fight about sematics, entertaining for the bookstore audience. But I had waited it for 5 hours and she ovbiously wanted to see something so we went. Oh my wet knickers! I fell in love with the trailer but it tells you nothing of the movie. The movie was straight from my heart, (except the dating of Pari's Golden Age...). It was full of cliché, but so fucking what? And the whole theatre almost shared my view, it was brilliant, Adrian Brody is a vision!
Go see it if you love Paris, go see it if you just want to see something, go see it even if you hate Woody Allen, like I do, but like Vicky Christine Barcelona, which was also amaizing. Only thing bad about it was the once more american view and american accent, but luckily it was so full of surprises that I forgot it. And of course the Golden age is Belle Époque, thank you.

Now I'm listening Angel in the Night on repeat, thank you and good night, except pictures I have to add here...

Aug 14, 2011


Things aren't going well at present, work sucks, it's boring, almost unpaid, and most of all not what I was promised. More over, I was given some extra work for the last week and I had to cancel almost all Erasmus students, even the french boy! More over, because of the Italy thing I had to cancel one course which now may be cancelled all together, and the courses that have the lectures at the time of Italy cannot be replaced. So things really blow. My mother just think God wants to test my want for Italy and that I must go there, even if every problem would be solved in staying here. I mean I can't even get work because I'm here only 3 weeks before Italy, and I only have like 500€ left...

Rauma Museum paperdoll exhibition, almost anatomical iron age hunter

And still my computer is at a breaking point and the DVD player doesn't like to work either. On a plus side, I saw the girl who has wanted to go to Rome a long time, and I had the pleasre to see her mad face when announcing my news!... But anyway, it has been so long since I've seen anyone that I'm quite happy now. I hope that she will get to museology so that I could have one friend more. She made a very brave decision to take a year off of journalist school. I envy her courage, even if she's quite depressed about it. I read her blog in which she complains how everything is going bad, how she's so depressed and goes to see therapist and how she meets everyday at least two diffrent groups of friends and have fun (and try to forget the bad things) and travel around Finland to see other friends... FUCK YOU! How dare anyone complain about bad things if one has friends as much as she does? My best friend is my sister with whom I meet once every 3 weeks and usually we fight. This girl is possibly my second best friend with whom I meet every 6 months when both are holding a little back, because our history...

Nice uniform for a little girl... Note, it's not a swastika, it's got "shorter arms"

Actually I was meant to write only good things today but it seems I failed... But at least that's over and done with. It seems that now I'm in a crossroads, I have no idea what will happen next, what ever decision I make there is nothing to show what the outcome might be, no idea... But all in all, it's quite relaxing, I can't predict the future, so I have no reason to be scared. Life will change, but who's to say it's a bad thing?

Jul 12, 2011

Good night!

Antoni Cepi, in Elisa di Rivombrosa. Performing a role of mysterious English captain Christian Grey. Couldn't find a picture with the pretty uniform... But found out he's actually Canadian, with italian parentage. First thought when he shoved hinself in camera was, that he looks more like Sicilian than English, he's so dark, oh god he's dark.........
The funniest thing about him is that when he looks surprised or smiles (or over acts) he looks exactly like, dare I say it, Russell Brand. That's a guy that really doesn't do it for me...

...What more can I say...

Jul 8, 2011

First week of museuming

Now I've been working for a week, (or 6 days). Every day I've messed something up, except today, scares to think what's happened there... At the moment my work is just to sit there and wait for people to come in, and say what it'll cost and what they can do there. I must say, boring as hell! I would rather have made profit account or what ever my senior was doing in her cave. I got no problem when there re people there, it's quite cool when they don't dismiss my authority and take me seriously. I can even use the card paying machine! But when the people are gone, I get absolute panic! Oh my god I can't do this, I have never been as bored as I am now! ou can't read, or listen to music, or do anything else because for me I think it is soo disrespectful for the clients- At least I don't like when somebody does it to me. It is little better when I'm alone, first of all, I am trusted with the keys and security and stuff, secondly I can hover aroung and sing and stuff. I only wish that after the lace week when I'm supposed to do the work with somebody else they will think me a better job. Because there's no work for two. And it's boring.

There seems to be some kind of festival friday today. Balconies full of people, loud beating cars... I just had wednesday and thursday off so it's hard to remember it's friday. And the rock festival RuisRock started today. My friends (younger) are talking in FB how they don't bother going there any more, because they have grown into adults and have abandoned drunken orgies in isolated islands. Well, forgime me but I'm too old to go there only when I've been there so many times it've gotten bored to it. I might be 26 but I'm soo not too old yet! I tried to win a ticket, but failed... Darned!

I don't have much more to write. I could do some crying about a mean girl who just walked by, but that's been done to death. Final remarks, I could feel better, but at present I'm feeling ok, with real work and my own hammock in the balcony. I think I'll try to get new colours to this blog. I think it's really cute as white, but I think I'm bored with it now.

Jun 30, 2011


It's such a long time since I've written, that's because I haven't had anything to write. Nothing much has happened... I've just been here and studied, went home for 3 days and did nothing... Midsummer went quite nicely, no parties in my neighbourhood so no depression about being alone. Everything's pretty much dot dot dot...

But something begins tomorrow. Work! I'm absolutely horrified. Not the main work, I hope I can manage museum keeping, but the lace week. I'll be working in Rauma, one of Unesco's world heritage site, in which every year there's lace week the last week of july. This year they have italian lace from italian town Offerto. I've understood, that there will be coming mayors or really high people to Rauma and I must speak italian, because they can't speak English. I can't speak italian!!! I've studied 3 years intensively and some independent courses and I can deal erasmus students, but how the hell can I translate conversations?! I'm not an interpretor! I've watched programme called Elisa di Rivombrosa all summer, and I understand that, but I'm really good at reading pictures. Scared, scared, scared... Luckily it's only 5 days, still 3 weeks time to practise...

But tomorrow work. The payment is fantastic 900€ a month before taxes, with 400 to rent and 370 to bus. Greeat. But at least I'll get work experience.
Tomorrow I'll see, what's it like. But now I go to Medieval market, which is here in Turku every year. There's usually always same stuff, for me a bit boring, but now I know there's a friend of mine there and maybe I can boast with my Italian trip, she applied as well and didn't get in! I can't pay money from the exhibitions of food and fancy jewellerys and swords, but at least sometimes one can see little plays and even your friends performing!

And some news of my love life. My sister has a friend who seems pretty awesome. He reads fantasy books from children's library, as do I! I've spied him in fb and dating site, and actually that's when I first got interested in him. There was a profile of a guy, who wanted a girl to have coffee, or tea, or chocolate milk with him. Chocolate!!! And only after that I heard that was the friend. He's quite nice looking, a bit boring like models usually are (he's not a model, but a law student). Aaanywhoo, my sister started to hint, that she had had discussions with her friends that I and some guy would be really good (or really annoying) together and that they would want to make us meet each other. She didn't say who she was talking, but, really it doesn't matter, I'm up to any guy and I so happy that people are talking about me, that I not entirely unpresentable. All in all, I've been waiting that meeting ever since, and it probably not even gonna happen, but I still wait for it. And that fucking Angelo from Elisa series... Lately I've had such a pleasant dreams!

Jun 2, 2011

Holiday thoughts

Just before bedtime I thought of telling how my strike went. Actually surprisingly well! It was quire easy to eat only a little chocolat per day (with help of chocolate milk...). And the no-masturbating thing was quite painless, with obvious help of no-romantics. Only one time, on Thurrsday I all but gave in, not happy. Totally my own fault.
This shows that I can do it again, and at least the chocolate thing will stay on.

Today I went to a hygieny exam to obtain so called hygieny passport so that I can work with food, for example as a waitress, which I hope to become. I think waitresses are very sexy with they white shirts and black short skirts... I'm quite humiliated to to get even an interview into a cleaning company, hopefully I can get a better job.

I really need money because I'm going to ROMEEE! I got my acceptance letter from Villa Lante and it's official, at least at this point, to Italy I go for 4 weeks in autumn! There's one special place I want to go, Cimitero degli Iglesi, the Protestant cemetery with the graves of Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats. I've tried to read their poems, but I'm just not a poetrical person. But that doesn't mean I don't want to be. And even if one can't do it, one can still have poetrical soul, right? I refuse to believe I'm a rationalist and scienticical person just because poems are boring. I think the key is for somebody to read them to me. Shakespeare's plays are wonderful, but bloody awful when you try to read them in your room.

May 25, 2011


Today, just before 8pm I thought to myself I'd best to shut the computer for a change to cool down. But before I should check my fb. And, maybe I'll check my email as well, all though all the offices have closed at 3-4 and no one'll write to me on email. But, why not.

WHY NOT INDEED! There was lost of emails, impotence and so on, but in the middle there was two letters from the same person, and they said The Course on Classical Antiquity! Already by then I started to suspect the good news. I and there it was, my name last on a list of accepted students to the course in Rome! The second letter said, Congratulations, you have been accepted...!!!

Just today I was in despair about my wasted life, I applied to a cleaning firm and I wasn't even invited to an interview (I didn't know you needed to be a notary to be a cleaner). I was chosen, and I wasn't even lying on my application! Now I have july and august in Rauma doing work of my education (museum assistant) and september in Rome! That's going to ruin my international tutoring this year, but I won't complain!
I wen't roung the flat in a semi-squating jump steps for a while, and then I called my mom and sister.

Only problem in this is the money. And I'll miss all the classes in september, also the historical gardening class, which would've been fun. But I have a good reason to translate that 4th book of Aeneid that's missing from my degree. And I can go to Italy! Then I've been in six capitals of the world, London for England, Edinbourgh for Scotland, St Andrews for Fife, Paris for France and Barcelona for Cataluña! I'll be happy.
And even more, I bought a while ago a travel guide to Rome, now I can use it!

First I was jumping from happiness, then I started to laugh evil laughter to all of those wankers in classical philology department. They kicked me out by spreating evil rumors about me, and none of them was even accepted! I have been found unwanting!
I will join the ranks of elite group. Only selected few have been allowed to enter the walls of Finnish Rome / Athens Cultural Institute (not true, my whole class went to Rome when I was in Scotland). But they weren't chosen! Best of all, that fucking insect who drove me out of the department has applied many times and always rejected. She also applied many times to museology studies, was rejected and stop talking when I was chosen on my first try. Now it's going little too negative, forget that last bit.

And by the way, my strike is going surprisingly well, apart from this bloated tummy. Where the hell did she come from?

May 22, 2011

Lysistrate, that is perseverance of mind

This habit of mine, crying in every occasion when something happy happens in a book/film, is really getting out of hands. That's why I desided to start a strike or a fast against all romantic, erotic and so on literature and films and especially thought. It's going to be really tough even if it's only one week. I was dying on Easter when I had to be 4 days without masturbating, and even tougher a week ago, when we figured out that the ice hockey team of which country's music I listened always won. Fucking Basshunter kept going on in my head all weekend... It's easier to not actually do something, but with music on one's head you have to actually stop your thoughts! Horrible... But I did it! I listened Finnish music for 3 days and we won!!!

Here's the book that inspired my stike. Tapestry of Fionavar, IloveitIloveitIloveit!

So it's going to be hard week for me. After I made the decision, I tried to think something else to think. What do people think? Gosh, they have to think something, it's not possible for all the world to think sex 24/7... I hope my fasting will help me in two ways. Maybe I learn not to connect every male into a possible lover, and maybe my stopping to be desperate will bring them to me! Anyway it'll help me not to get so upset not to have a boyfriend and spoil every happy moment with thinkig how much better it could be.

No more this for me; He Knew He Was Right will stay on shelf until Sunday...

Another problem. When I was walking I started to think what does my fast contain. Only movies and books, or also thoughts? And only erotic/romantic movies or all from which I have out of place thoughts? What about music which makes me euphoric? Basically do I deny everything that makes me feel good? Well, I looked at my tummy and decided to add to the list NO CHOCOLATE for one week, except one bar to last for one week (cold turkey doesn't work for me). And jogging so long until my feet give up, it feels good and I don't have energy to think rude thoughts.

Will be nice first holiday (unemployment) week!

May 17, 2011

The Great Shame

I was thinking, which one was better, Ice Hockey Championship 1995 or 2011... But now, thanks to the people of Finland, it is quite clear; 1995. For what has happened in Finland, and unfortunatelly also in Sweden, is a shame for the whole country. It is understantable to celebrate, and hard, because we don't usually win anything. But I don't know why, maybe it's because the right wing anti-foreigner party won the elections a month ago or the new generation (oh I feel old) is just missing a few brain cells. I wanted to go to streets at night and yell victory and how happy I am, but the celebration should be positive. However, it seems that Finns have been going around beating foreigners and Finnish-Swedish, who are Finnish (Swedish is with Finnish our official language). What is worse, it seems that some Finns went over the border to Sweden and started beating people and driving them over with cars and burning Swedish flags! I've been taught that a flag is sacred, and I just can't understand that kind of hatred. Come on, it was just ice hockey! I totally understand the Swedish who now swear they will come here next year to burn our flags. Luckily some people made an appeal to the hockey team to speak against racism and they spoke.

Picture in Swedish newspaper before the game...

There has always been a bit of a fight between Finland and Sweden. For me it has been like between sisters (or brothers). Like we argue and want to be better, but in the end it's better for Sweden to win if we can't. But, the sport matches between us two are always many times more agressive than against anyone else. For me I've thought it as funny thing, until now... You see above a picture in Swedish newspaper about their opinion of Finnish team before Sunday night, and below a picture on Monday. In Swedish newspapers they agree that losing to Finland is worse than losing to anyone else. The same thing happened in 1995, when we were in Stockholm Sweden, before their home audience, and they lost to us. We even stole their team song, sang by Swedish ice hockey team. That was the first swedish song I could sing... On the other hand, we have lost to Sweden soo many times... according to Wikipedia in finals 2 times. Next year the games are divided between Helsinki Finland and Stockholm, so it seems our nation has caused us a war in 2012. Thank you!

...and after.

Another thing which has been criticised has been the state of the players. They were so drunk they couldn't stand! I actually understand it, they are young men, but honestly speaking not very good role models for young kids, who are told to look up athletes for their healthy lifestyle...Actually the head of Finnish Ice Hockey was given a lecture from minister of sport! It was sooo amaizing to win the championship, and that's why it's sooo awful to say that we shouldn't have won. Unfortunate amount of people share this opinion. We Finns are famous of our bad self esteem and humbleness, but it seems that when we finally are better than anyone else, it's not pretty. We are not good winners (any more).

Celebration, Finnish style; pathetic

May 15, 2011

CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Sweden's first goal, we did 6 more!!!!!!!!!!
First game, 0-0. Second, Sweden 1, and just before break Finland 1-1.
Third, Finland 1-2, 45 seconds later 1-3.
Then 1-4, I was screaming "they are not even tryig any more!"
1-5 I wasn't screaming any more, and 1-6 I started crying and yelling "stop the game, this isn't worth the attempt any more!" That was just a slaughter. The main game was really good, both fighting with blood in their mouth, but then Sweden just gave up.

Last time I was this happy was in 1995 when Finland was world champion the first time.Only team we lost was Republic of Czech, Sweden lost to Norway!

The real reason I was crying was because I'm sitting here on my sofa alone. What use it is to be so happy when I'm alone? there's no life alone! Only fucking social relationship is Facebook. And that is to like what others write... I was planning to go outside to see people celebrating but now I don't want to torture myself. What use...

Funny thing that Sweden's goalkeeper was the best player of the games?!!! 1995 the opposing team was Sweden also, so that's cool. Another nice thing is that there was no same players anymore in the team.
I feel like I've been drinking half the night somewhere, I need something balancing...

Eurovision 2011, again live

I'm watching Eurovision songcontest. I try to write fast, beacuse they are already giving the points. My favourite is France, second Greece and third to Denmark. Sweden wasn't at all cool, Finland, well, the song was quite nice, actually, but compared with the other ones, rather boring.
At the moment France has 11 points, Finland zero, Greece 32 points, Sweden 21 points...
I'm not very interesting of this competition, I'm more sports fan, in here there's usually more bad songs than good ones, besides Finland usually loses.



Thank you Norway, 12 points for Finland! By the way, strange votes from Finland... Ireland was weird, maybe good if not watching. Iceland next, maybe we get points, Nordic co-operation. And 10 points for us! And 12 points for Denmark, what a surprise.
It' sonly fair to give points to nordic countries, eat europeans give points to themselves...



Denmark: Finland 5, 10 Sweden, Ireland 12!!!
Azerbaijan gets lost of votes, well it was lovely song. Poland, five to Finland! But we have more than France, which is a shame... Sweden next: 7 for finland, WTF?!! You deserve to lose ice hockey tomorrow... no today, it's past midnight.

(<3<3<3France <3<3<3)


Germany, 2 for Finland.


Switzerland gave Finland 5 points, thaank you! These finnish presenters are awful, they actually said that its really strange how France could like Spain's song. It was nice song, those people are just evil. You can have favourites and hate others, but NOT despise anything!!!
Now France has more points than Finland, no matter what I said before, still I'm upset...



We gave Hungary 12 points, Hungary gave us NOTHING!![cunts]. Lithuania gave pathetic 1 point. But zero to Sweden!!! Actually quite annoying the german presenter woman. I was watching the Greek song in youtube and somebody hoped they wouldn't win because they don't have money (Ireland: 3 for us) to organize competition next year. Well, guess why we sent Lordi the other year... We didn't have money either so we sent the crappiest band. How could we have known people voted us?
Sweden's fucking Justin Bieber clone gets too much points. And Estonia, our family nation gave us just 7, and fucking sweden 12! Traitor! I'm voting Azerbaijan at this point. Now Latvia, lots of points for us! ZEEEROOO! But Sweden didn't win, so ok.

We got 3rd most votes in semi-finals, but 21st in final. But we were the favourites of the European press.

Final thoughts. I would rather have Sweden win this than Ice Hockey World Championship tomorrow. But it would have been disaster if they had won both. I think it would have been cool to have been Finland and Sweden at top two...
Sweden was only 3rd, Italy with quite cool song came 2nd.
Now, tomorrow and the match of a lifetime, I want to win, I want to win, I want to win...

May 13, 2011

Russia down, again!

Finland won Russia today, again, this time with clean game 3-0. On Sunday, Finland-Sweden, for gold!
With Granlund's unbelievable first goal! Here's link to youtube:

I would yell but my throat stopped working after 3rd goal, I would jump but there's no one living beneath my flat...

May 12, 2011

epic match; today, LIVE!

What the fuck? Norway's leading one goal, and now we made goal when I was writing this!??
FUUUCK! Okay, explanation, we had wine in our seminar today, liiittle bit tipsy. But really, we should have wine always, much better concversation, with one class more I've could've spoken something.
AAND ANOTHER GOAL! Game seems to be starting!
First Finnish Koivu furt himself, then Norwegian Koivu hurt himself. It's not cool that someone hurts, but it's quite funny...

continue***Finland is leading now, but again we have less players... Norway can't be good in ice hockey, it's already good in football!

ANND ONCE MOOORE! Quite annoying ,we only have superiority like a minute, when we make a goal!

Penaltie, penalties... good thing that Norway don't have as good a luck as we have...
AND AGAIN!! That was beautiful, LAJUNEN! Little ballet dancer! 4-1 to us!

And last break coming...

So.. we had last master seminar today before summer, I wasn't sure I wanted to go, because I had to write the fucking review of the book What is history now? I could make a summary, an analysis, an essay, but not a fucking review! AAARGH! And I haven't done my thesis, the professor wouldn't be happy... In the end I wen't just to avoid the review, and because there was supposed to be food. Little did I know, WIINE! I'm not a drunk, but I like not drunks but people who are drunk. And it was fun! Really anxious people, but in a positive sense. Of course there was cheese, I'm not into that, they were speaking that wine and cheese is a cultivated, civilized offering, and cake is quite like countryside, hillbillyish. I was laughing, indeed! I am from countryside!
At first I couldn't understand a thing and I had my own little party atthe end of the long table. But then they noticed I didn't have wine so they did a group effort to carry me some and then I wasn't laughing any more, because I started to understand. And it was white wine, which was good, I hate red one.

No goals in 3rd round, 4-1 to Finland!
But I'd like to congratulate Norway, excellent playing, Without your 0-1 goal we would not have been able to start fighting. You might have lost to us, but you won Sweden, the dream of all Finnish!

May 9, 2011

And Russia went down!

Once more exciting match. But this Finnish goalkeeper stuff is ridiculous. First in czech game Lassila sucks and they change into Vehanen, who is perfect; now he gives in 4 minutes 2 goals! WHAAAT?! Change takes place, and Lassila makes clean game. Honeslty, who will be our next goalie? No one knows.

Another thing, this inability to make goals. Now we don't serve as mush as before, which is good because you can't make goals if you don't try. But AIM in to that fucking goal! Finland has had three penalty--shot--game (what ever it is called when you take turns shooting the other goal) and it has won every one (today as well). So we can make goals. Team Finland, eat more sugar before the game!

And in the end, I forgot my favourite lion; Jarmo Immonen. Look at him smile... Once again I keep my neighbour aware of game situation. But it's their own fault. I mean who goes jogging when Finland wins Russia?! But one must remember that in Slovak game I desided that I wouldn't gontinue watching matches I we lose, except if Finns play for gold or against a really bad (playing) team...


Oh no, I was supposed to speak about ice hockey yesterday!
At the moment there's ice hockey world championship games on in Slovakia. Finland has, again, a team that's perfect at times, shite most of the time. It's incredible how they can't keep it together more than 2 minutes at the time. But now I must say I like our team. As much as I love the 1995 winning team, that's 16 years ago, I'm glad there's no famous players playing anymore like Selänne or (the older)Koivu. Having said that I got no idea if the players today are famous, I'm not very informed about ice hockey...

A few words about the players. I understand Granlund is very good, well, he has shown it. However, he's just a little boy. I like Leo Komarov's style of playing, maybe that's due of him being Estonian, but by appearance he's quite blank. But, Tuomo Ruutu, he's a man to my liking, both in playing style and...

I read a piece of news, where Sean Bergenheim laughed at Sami Lepistö of him not being voted as the most sexy "lion", so I had to see what he looked like, and so it was that he was also my number two:

Quel surprise, they look the same... Honestly I was sure that Sami was blonde... And I also like Petri Vehanen's, goalkeeper's green helmet.

Today Finland plays against Russia. Russia has usually a really good team, I'm a bit afraid of that, but even more I'm afraid of Jevgeni Artjuhin. He's a fucking killing machine. Yesterday he knocked out 2 czech players and before that slovakian, and others and others... Czech won anyway, but... not funny. Hopefully we make lots of goals today, I've watched every finns' game and only one has been lost, but our goal 19s before end was nice. Slovak game was horrible, we were losind until the very end, but slovak team seemed nice, what a shame they dropped...

May 8, 2011

The face when his self control cracked...

I'm still dreaming about my count of Monte Cristo. Gosh he was fantastic! At the beginning he was really young looking, after, he really got older. I like Jim Caviezel better than Gérald Depardieu. Reason is the same why I like the 21c. Austen movies better than older ones. The age. Maybe 18 y olds were more adults than they are today, but they still looked young. And Anne Elliot was old maid, but not certainly 40 nor captain Wentworth nor colonel Brandon 50 or something (I don't know how old the actors were, nevertheless I like the new ones better).

The same about Edmund Dantes. I really want to read the book, but we have it at home and so I can't borrow it from library so I have to wait somebody to bring it to me. Anyway I don't think he was older than 25, most likely younger, so he cannot be gerald's age when returning. I tink they sould be little over 30, and so free to start again (((the babymaking))).

I've tried to watch some movie or something lots of times, and the french tv-series, but it's so boring and morbit and totally against my taste that I've given it a miss. But this one christmas when me and my sister were again fighting the whole 6/8 hours series came on christmas day and I had to watch it so my sister couldn't take over the room (not funny, couldn't even go to pee). So I watched it and fell in love. This guy, who has build such a hatred into his heart, thinks only revenge. But then, and this I hadn't understod before, there comes old love, and this kid of his enemy, who he want's to hate but is unable, and little by little his wish of revenge fails to give him satisfaction. So it's not about hatred at all!

I read about this new research according to which depressed people don't like angry music. Well I don't like angry music, deppressed movies of books. That's why people say I can't be derpessed. Well that proved it wrong! I still have my self protection instinct intact, thank you! But rreally that movie is amazing! Altough I must admit that Edmund is pretty lucky guy, must be quite an annoying friend...

Today's Mothers' Day in Finland, to celebrate it I took a walk in my short skirt to a hill, took the above picture, fought with my mom and made peace too. Picture's not as beautiful than the top picture I know, but little reality must be retained...

Apr 22, 2011

Permanent smile

Now I feel really not happy but intoxicated. For today I went to town quite far away; had to wake up at 5.30 am; because I had a job interview. Well, got there and it wasn't an interview. First thing they asked was how long do I want to work there?!!! So I finally have a job!!! At last! So if you happen to visit Rauma museum and the italian lace exhibition, I'll be there Bat news, they only took me bot an interpretew for the italians... Now I have to learn italian. But work!!! Main thing is july and august, but if they find money, they give me 2 extra months. Not well for the money, the buss fares will be 400€ a month, so I should find another appartment. Which is a shame for I've only lived here for one month. Hopefully the pay is high. For you who don't know, like I, again I played tourist and took photos from everywhere, Rauma is UNESCO world heritage site for its well preserved wooden old town, and it was really pretty.

The reason why I'm laughing aloud still is that I watched a movie Count de Monte Cristo, the new 2002 version (OMG that's 9 years ago, god I'm old!). And it was fab! Well of course not as nice than Gerald Depardieu's version, this one ended quite suddenly... But the plot's not important but the casting. I got it because of Guy Pearce, when I saw that there was Jim Caviezel I was ecstatic, but when I saw a young boy strangely familiar, my pulse got higher... and higher... and then I checked it from imdb. HENRY CAVILL! Now he's really manly and handsome, really nice, but as a baby he was so cute! I saw him as a kiddie in I capture teh castle and even then I was like, wth, he's so cute!!! I like him now much better, now he's perfect, but it's just so funny that he was so cute! But he really growed up fast. He's only 2 years older than I, so maybe that's the reason...

Apr 16, 2011


I just found out that Rachel MacAdams is the girl from Mean Girls, which means that she wasn't the one I hate. I'm sorry! No wonder notebook, and in fact Sherlock Holmes, weren't such annoying films... Like my father likes to tell me, from a stupid head the whole body suffers. But who was it that I hate with the same reasons?...

Apr 10, 2011

recent movies for me

Sunday, that blessed resting day! What resting day? I've so much to do for next week, I had to deside to study some french today. Only it's past 8 pm already and I haven't begun!Sundays are always really strange for me, I never get much done, that is in the movie scheme. I mean today I had lots of movies to watch, but only got through 2! First I woke up 11:ish, showered, and started to watch Notebook, then made lunch, and wached Superbad, and spoke with my sister and mother on the phone and then it was 6 already! WTF?!!!

Some notes on the movies. I've understood that Notebook is really famous movie, they've even made a verd out of it in One tree hill. For me, well, the ending was lovely and Ryan Gosling is a-ma-zing (especially with the beard, quite a change of mind to my 15 year old self), but really for me the story was about the old couple and Ryan and Rachel MacAdams (whom I don't like, don't know why, mayde because she's quite ordinary with a dimple, quite like me but famous) were just some extras. I gotta be honest, I was waiting a little more passion and twists, maybe I have to watch it again. Anyway, I was watching and thought oh they must have started dating after the movie, Ryan was so gorgeous, and wikipedia told me that they did!

The other movie, Superbad, was supercute! The polices were fantastic! And the movie wasn't violent or disgusting like usual american comedies, can't think any example except Home Alone, and Not another teen movie (which is quite funny). Nobody got hurt, they got girlfriends or smth, and the movie was about the friendship of two guys, so cute! And I saw quite many Knocked Up actors in it, which was hilarious. Knocked Up wasn't such a good film, it was waaayyy too long.

One guy to check up I saw in Midsomer Murders. The man is mark Umbers whom I've seen in Good Woman, (which is a fantastic movie with Stephen Campbell Moore too) and in Mistresses and in some others. Only problem with him is that he's most handsome with serious face, and I hate people who don't smile! Really, it would be awful to have to make my husbant really angry in order to feel attracted to him...

Mark is better looking but 12 years older than me, whereas Ryan's only 5 years older... I'm allowed to think like this because I oppose the common thought that goodlooking people should date only each other and ugly people their own kind. One on my very good friends told me to lower my expectations, because there are less cute boys who like girls like me than ordinary ones. I'm sorry, but there has been cute boys liking me, besides people turn handsome if you like them. So fuck off!

Apr 3, 2011

New home

Yesterday I moved into my new home. Unfortunetelly, not impressed. It's so small I told my family not to bring lots of stuff; but now it looks like an empty room. Funny, I think all the time bad things, it this really a bad place or is the weather getting to me? The fridge smells weird, I'm too scared to put stuff in it, and so does the cupboards, so all food is still in the table. Stupid fridge. Bathroom is ugly, only one pathetic shelf. And the floor is brownish grey. It really looks like boy's room. But the worst thing is this horrible wind. Up the window there are wholes for ventilation. Unfortunatelly they don't close so I'm freezing! Yesterday there were really weird people going past my windows, which are, once more, towards north. 90% of people close curtains when seeinf the sun, but still I always get the north window. And the worst is, that for like 4 years, like ages 2-6 I slept in an eastern room (although there were trees in front of it), so I can't even be martyr! If only there will be warm soon... And there's only white walls, white cupboards, everythin gwhite, with no lists or hooks to put pictures...

Mar 27, 2011

Gli uomini...

I've been watching the last 2 days an italian tv-series Capri. I know that italians don't care about it much, but I think it's funny. I think it has the same thing than los serranos and Mi gorda bella etc. latina shows; we finnish are sooo strict and introverted that we looove those fiery mediterraneans! (BTW the real reason I went to bcn, no luck there! Only place I've been lucky is London. Why is it that I love Lndon so much?)

Now Ive been watching Capri terza stagione with Carolina, who is incredibly beautiful with her new hair, and Andrea, who has the most stupid beard ever, but also something that makes my feet oh so weak. It's tme middle of the night and I just had to watch all the episodes from last week, so I wouldn't be distracted tomorrow. Next episodes coming next week. Maybe I watch them on weekend again, so I can have true catharsis. Meoow!

(totally unrelated picture of a miserable attempt of smores)

It's really funny, when I walked just now to kitchen and started to clean, with wicked smile on my face. I've never been more miserable than the last few years, but I can't recall any situation that I've been more happy when I was still living at home. Weird, isn't it? You can't have one without the other. On the other hand, nothing is more boring than sit at a pub with your friends talking shite, or listening them talking, because you just couldn't care less about shite. And at home you grin like mad after watching some goofy italian beard guy. Disgusting!

Mar 20, 2011

My 5(3) days of vacation

Continue... the story of Barcelona. I study spain and thought the trip would be really good change to practice. It seems easier than italian, since I love spanish music and there are countless spanish tv-series here. I even bought a dictionnary! Well, it didn't really work, all the time I spoke spanish, they answered in english. Maybe the reason was the official language, catalan! When I was in museum of history of catalunia and art of catalunia, all the texts were in catalan. In the history museum, the big texts were in english and spanish too, that reminded me about Finnish museums, which have texts in 3 languages also.

I felt also, that the 2 places where I've been, (forgetting the other places that don't fit into my theory), have quite similar history, though not identical, and quite close feeling of the mother state; that is Scotland and Catalunia. I must admit it was really big mistake to go to history museum on my final day, I would have got so much more out of the trip. Anyway, the both countries have really strong nationalism, due to several wars they have gone through. Cataluña has it's own distinct language and has had to fight for it, but as I understand the old country is divided between Spain and France, whereas Scotland is more coherent, I don't know, I'm just brainstorming...

Funny thing about that, my other french teacher is from Perpignon, and his mother tongue is catalan! He's also jewish whore born in Algeria, and now lives here speaking finnish. Only langue he seems to hate more than anything is english! He was also quite upset when hearing, that Germany has now more people than France, and when reminded of Switzerland, Austria and other minorities of german speakers he almost cried.

Back to Barcelona. It must be amaizing place in the summer! Only problem perhaps was that I really wanted to go to Madrid... Btw, I had the job interview to International Services just berofe leaving, I didn't get it. And no other job, yet. My sister's a cleaner, but she said that's bad firm to work, so I've no idea... That reminds me to apply some more today. That Cimo work in Paris or London embassy was closed on friday, totally forgot!!! It's so sad, but the most amazing city yet has been London. It's so boring, and if you know me, you would never think I would like it. Even I was surprised! I'm the kind of opera, castle, flower kind of girl, the most boring type. But as so many other clue, this just shows that nobody's so simlpe than you think. I was never afraid in London, maybe because I could understand all.

By the way, in barcelona most spoke french, then italian, maybe then spanish/catalan, the next would probably be finnish (nooo). I saw few people speaking swedish too and other scandinavian. The finnish that I saw was 2 people speaking on the phone to the 3rd on a dark, small alley the very 1st day, then a family in the art museum, who were too scared to go through the security (which was probably the only reason I desided to go inside, to show not all finnish are idiots) and 2 more, again at night, yelling drunkenly behind, so there was (or not) more Finns. All in all, too much tourists, but I spent time in tourist places...

Oookay... I completely lost the plot there... Sorry. I just human. But at least there's lots of pictures! For the final note, my quick recommendations: Parc Güell beautiful but really big, so good shoes. Museum of the History of Catalunia was big, great and free (for uni students). Museun ot Catalan art expensive but ticket was for 2 days, don't go on your last day like I, and get a friend with good sense of direction, it was those moders white box secret door museums.And not even in Scotland I saw one of these: fucking 3 litre's Vodka!!!